Coffee is very harmful for your kidneys, avoid it from today itself.

Health News Desk,Is coffee the first thing we choose to start our day? According to a survey of the year 2020, U.S. More than 6 out of 10 people in India drink coffee every day. And they don't stop at just 1 cup. He drinks at least 3 cups of coffee every day. Coffee contains a lot of caffeine and this makes it the most favorite morning drink. Energy-rich coffee is very beneficial for the brain. It reduces fatigue and gives energy within minutes. But coffee also contains antioxidants. Antioxidants reduce inflammation by binding free radicals in the body. Which causes loss of cells. Too many free radicals can cause premature aging and diseases like cancer, heart disease and diabetes. Coffee also helps the gastrointestinal (GI) tract to move food through the system faster. This is why some people have bowel movements immediately after drinking their morning cup.

Is coffee beneficial for liver or not?

Liver is the most important organ of the body. He is busy the whole day. It performs more than 500 different functions. First, the liver converts proteins, carbohydrates and fats from food into energy. It also helps you make proteins and chemicals that are necessary for your bodily functions. And the liver is a powerhouse when it comes to breaking down drugs and clearing the blood of waste products. With so many different jobs, keeping the liver healthy is obviously important. Drink coffee. You know it's your friend when it comes to energy, but it turns out coffee can also help keep your liver healthy.

How does coffee affect your kidneys?

Like the liver, the kidneys also remain busy. They create toilets by filtering dirt and excess water from the blood. They remove acid to maintain a healthy balance of water, salt and minerals in your blood. But not only this. Your kidneys play a major role in controlling blood pressure, making red blood cells and keeping your bones healthy. Coffee has the same effect on the kidneys as it does on the liver. The same pathways that promote liver health are also helpful for the kidneys. Coffee's antioxidants, anti-inflammatory effects and autophagy processes all promote health. But coffee's connection to the kidneys is a little more complicated. In one research, caffeinated beverages like coffee, tea, and soda were linked to poor kidney function in adults. On the other hand, many other studies have found that coffee has positive effects on the kidneys and can help prevent chronic kidney disease.

Does the effect of coffee on kidneys differ from person to person?

One reason for this difference may be in your genes. It turns out that some people have a genetic difference that makes them metabolize the caffeine in coffee more slowly. Therefore their body takes more time to digest caffeine. For people with this gene. Drinking more than 3 cups of coffee per day may be linked to high blood pressure and poor kidney function. Without this gene, drinking lots of coffee may be more beneficial. More research is needed.

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