Which checkup is necessary at which age, know the advice of health expert, you will be protected from serious diseases

Health News Desk,Every person wants to be healthy and happy. For this, doctors always recommend good eating habits and improving lifestyle. Apart from all this, there are some routine checkups, by doing which you can protect yourself from serious diseases. Neuro and spine surgeon Dr. Vikas Kumar has told which diseases can occur at which stage of life and what precautions should we take for them.

First stop 20-30
Blood pressure, height and weight check, HPV test. HPV is called human papillomavirus. Certain types of HPV increase the risk of cancer in women. It starts at the age of 20.

Second stage 31-40 years
BP, Diabetes, Thyroid, Cholesterol and heart related check up because according to WHO 22% of deaths are due to heart attack. Factors like blood pressure, cholesterol are responsible for this.

Third stage 41-50 years
Cardiovascular check-up, prostate cancer, skin cancer, eye and teeth check-up because the prostate gland starts increasing in men after the age of 40. This is called prostatic hyperplasia.

Fourth stage 51-65 years
Stool test, mammogram, osteoporosis, depression test, 90% of colon cancer (intestine cancer) cases are found after the age of 50. Bone erosion also starts. Mammogram detects breast cancer in women.

Fifth stage above 65 years
Check for eyes, ears and physical imbalance because immunity decreases rapidly after this age. The ability to see and hear decreases. The balance of the body starts deteriorating.

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