Which is the right way to eat to stay fit, small or full, know the advice of dieticians
Health News Desk,Eating healthy is very important to stay fit and healthy. It gives energy to the body and strength to work. Nowadays, in the busy life, people do not even have time to sit and eat food properly. Due to lack of free time from work, they wake up after eating quickly. Some people eat small meals several times a day and some like to eat a full meal at one go. In such a situation, the question arises that which way of eating is more healthy? Let us know from dieticians…
Benefits of eating small and often
1. Weight is controlled
By eating less but frequently, the body's metabolism always remains active. By eating frequently, the body gets less time to digest, due to which the energy level remains intact and the metabolism also remains active. Due to this, calories are also burnt well and weight is reduced.
2. Blood sugar control
Eating less does not increase the blood sugar in the body suddenly. It is beneficial for diabetic patients.
3. Digestion is good
Eating small amounts frequently provides relief to the body's digestive system. He is able to digest food well. Due to this, metabolism also remains strong and the body also remains active.
4. Avoid overeating
Eating small meals frequently keeps hunger under control. This avoids overeating and does not cause problems like obesity. This method is beneficial only when only healthy foods are included in the diet.
Benefits of eating a full meal at one go
1. People who eat well eat two or three times a day. People who work all day often adopt this method, so that their body's energy remains intact and their time is also saved.
2. People who eat a lot at one go do not eat again and again, this gives their digestive system more time to digest the food and the stomach also remains healthy.
What are the disadvantages of overeating?
1. Eating too much food at one go puts pressure on the digestive system and can cause problems like constipation and indigestion.
2. Blood sugar may increase suddenly after eating too much.
3. Those who eat more, their weight increases rapidly.
eat your fill or less in one go
According to nutritionists and dieticians, eating less but eating more often is a more beneficial way. If you want to lose weight, you can control both hunger and calories by taking small meals. Small meals increase metabolism, which burns calories. Due to this the blood sugar level also remains under control. Therefore, people who eat food in this way remain more healthy and fit.
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