If you suffer from constipation even in winter season, then change these habits of yours today itself.
Health News Desk,Due to poor digestion and digestion process, most of the people suffer from the problem of constipation. This problem increases especially in winter. Due to this, problems like bloating and gas as well as indigestion start increasing. If the problem of constipation starts increasing in winter, then these 5 reasons can be responsible for it. Constipation can be treated by avoiding these.
These habits are responsible for constipation in winter
insufficient water
Feeling thirsty in cold weather. Because of this, most people reduce water drinking. We often forget to drink water for hours. Due to lack of water the stool becomes hard. And the problem of constipation starts arising.
excessive caffeine intake
To avoid cold, people start drinking more tea and coffee. The caffeine present in it is responsible for dehydration and has a negative effect on bowel movements. Due to this reason the problem of constipation starts.
low amount of fiber
People become quite adventurous when it comes to food in winter. Start eating sweet and fatty foods. Due to which the entire digestion gets spoiled. In addition to sugar and fat, people also eat less fruits and vegetables in their diets. Due to which less fiber is available and the problem of fiber mainly increases constipation.
decreased outdoor activity
If you are not in the habit of exercising, then very few people leave the house due to cold. In this condition physical activity is greatly reduced. Which slows down the digestion process. The habit of sitting continuously increases the problem of constipation.
Some medicines have an effect
People keep falling ill in winter. Due to which medicines are taken for cold and pain. Which also has adverse effects on the digestive system.
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