Good news for WhatsApp users! Now you will be able to update status directly on Facebook-Instagram, new feature will be rolled out soon

Tech News Desk – WhatsApp will soon benefit from an optional integration with Meta Account Center, which aims to provide a more connected experience. The company announced this on Tuesday. This will allow users to automatically share their WhatsApp status on apps on other meta platforms like Facebook and Instagram. It is also claimed that this will also make it easier and faster to log in to multiple Meta apps with a single sign-on. Additionally, the company says it will introduce more universal features to its social media app and will also let users know about the changes upon release.

WhatsApp Account Center integration
The meta platform has revealed in a newsroom post that it will be adding WhatsApp to its Account Center in the next few months. According to the company, this step is completely optional and users can still choose not to add their WhatsApp account to the Account Center. However, choosing the option will provide a seamless experience in accessing more features in the apps. Users will be able to re-share updates from their WhatsApp status directly to Facebook or Instagram Stories. This will eliminate the need to post a post multiple times on different apps.

This option will be introduced globally, but its full rollout will be done in phases. Once available, users will see the option in WhatsApp settings or it will appear when performing actions in accounts, such as trying to re-share a status on the app from another Meta platform.

Additionally, the Account Center integration will also bring single sign-on for all three apps, allowing users to log back into them with fewer steps. The company says it will also introduce new features like the ability to manage your avatar, Meta AI stickers, and Imagine Me creations all in one place in the app. However, the Meta platform has stressed that privacy will still be its priority. . The company has said that even after WhatsApp accounts are connected to the Meta Platform Account Centre, their messages and calls will remain end-to-end secure.

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