If you want to buy a second hand car, then first know these important things, otherwise you will have to repent.

auto news desk,In recent times, the demand for cheap second hand vehicles has increased more than before. People are more interested in buying second hand cars instead of buying new cars. The biggest reason behind this is their cheapness. Apart from the low price of old car, people also do not have to pay road tax on it. At the same time, it also fits in the budget, due to which many people are now preferring to buy a second hand car. However, there can be disadvantages of buying a second hand car, ignoring which can cost you dearly in the future. Let us know what are the disadvantages of buying a second hand car.

1. Condition of the car
It is difficult to estimate the exact condition of a second hand car. Many times, such defects may be found in the engine, transmission, brakes, and other main parts of the vehicle, which may not be visible at the time of purchasing the car. Many times these flaws come to light later, which can prove costly for you to get rectified.

2. Service Records and Maintenance
When buying a new car, companies are informed about its warranty and regular service, whereas such information is not completely available in a second hand car. Due to this, you do not know properly whether the old car owner has taken proper care of the car or not. If the vehicle is not maintained properly then it can get damaged soon.

3. How many kilometers did the car travel?
Many times it has been seen that people change the kilometer reading of their car and sell it to someone else. Due to which the buyer may get the misconception that the car has been driven less, whereas in reality it has been driven more. Which has a direct impact on his fitness.

4. Accident and driving history
It is not known from the previous owner of a second hand car how many times it has met with an accident or whether it has any serious problems. If something like this remains then the buyer of the car may get very upset later on. Actually, after an accident, many types of faults occur in the vehicle, which can later become the cause of huge expenses.

5. Resale value
If there is any defect in the second hand car, then its resale value also reduces. Along with this, the safety features and technology in a second hand car may be older and less in comparison to a new car. Because of this you may get less safety in it.

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