Even today 'Bose' is alive in the minds of youth, send his motivational quotes to your friends and family.
The 128th birth anniversary of Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose will be celebrated on 23 January 2025. This day is celebrated as Bravery Day in the country. Bose's thoughts are still alive in the minds of the youth. With the slogan “Give me blood, I will give you freedom”, he played an important role in liberating the country. Even today his thoughts and slogans fill the minds of people with enthusiasm. Read some thoughts of Subhash Chandra Bose on the special occasion of his birth anniversary. It was Subhash Chandra Bose who inspired the youth for independence. Slogans started being raised in his favor all over the country. In this, the slogans 'Give me blood, I will give you freedom' and 'Dilli Chalo' became the most popular.
If there is no struggle, life loses half its interest – if risks are not taken.
If ever the time comes to bow down, then bow down like a brave man.
People who get excited after seeing flowers also get thorns quickly.
Success always stands on the pillar of failure.
Therefore no one should be afraid of failure.
Have faith in your strength, borrowing power is fatal for you.
The secret of political bargaining is to appear stronger than you actually are.
The soldiers who are always loyal to their nation, who are always ready to sacrifice their lives, are invincible.
Weaknesses are removed by high thoughts. We should always keep developing higher thoughts.
It is our duty to pay the price of our freedom with our blood.
A person may die for an idea, but that idea will be incarnated in a thousand lives after his death.
Apart from this, Subhash Chandra Bose's slogan “Give me blood, I will give you freedom” still inspires people.
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