Does the muscles really melt in diabetes, why the risk of heart is increasing in sugar

Health News Desk,Pack the bag and go out for a walk, because walking in between is long. There is no need for medicine to stay healthy and no one else, scientists of Oxford University are making this claim. His claim also shows power because the sample size of research is quite large. So they have to accept them. According to research, when you go to a new place. If you meet new people, stress is less. If it is close to nature, it affects your body. The speed of aging is slow. The effect of old age also decreases by 60%. One more thing when you are social, the distance from medicines also increases. Especially obesity-BP and sugar problem decreases by 40%.

Incidentally, these three diseases are connected to each other. Weight gain means quick sugar-BP entry is going to happen in the body. If BP is, then sugar is also sure to increase. By the way, these are diseases of lifestyle and along with walking, they can be revealed by adopting the right lifestyle. Talking about lifestyle, some people eat time and time. According to a study, eating in ODD hours makes the body clock disturbed. As a result, weight increases and then the risk of diabetes increases due to deteriorating insulin level. Because the disturbances in the Eating Alliance spoil the coordination of the liver-grain. One example of how dangerous diabetes can be for health is that type two diabetes works to smelle muscles. Now think not only from inside, but also from outside is making you hollow. Let us know from Swami Ramdev how to avoid these lifestyle diseases?

Symptoms of diabetes
Repeated urine
Weight phenomenon
Causes of diabetes
Drinking less water
Do not sleep on time
Do not workout
What to do if there is sugar imbalance in winter
Pay special attention to diet in winter
Keep yourself warm
Avoid high calorie food
Do workouts
Half an hour sit in the sun
Treatment of sugar
150 minutes a week workout
The risk of sugar reduces 60%
Exercise 20-25 minutes daily
How much to eat sugar, WHO's guideline
Do not eat more than 5 grams of sugar in 1 day
Eat only 5 grams i.e. 1 teaspoon sugar
People eat 3 times more sugar
How to control sugar
Take cucumber-carela-tomato juice
Drink Giloy decoction
Mandukasana- Yogamudrasana Faidemand
15 minutes cup
Sugar control and obesity low
Just drink lukewarm water
Take lemon-water in the morning on an empty stomach
Gourd soup eat juice and vegetables
Grain -Reduce the chawl
Eat 1 teaspoon of fenugreek powder daily
Eat 2 buds of garlic in the morning
Eat cabbage, bitter gourd, gourd

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