Dirt is repeatedly accumulating on the fan, clean it with these hacks: Fan Cleaning Tips

Dirt is repeatedly accumulating on the fan, clean it with these hacks

Fan Cleaning Tips: You can try some easy cleaning hacks to keep the fans clean. Let's know some cleaning hacks in this article-

Fan Cleaning Tips: If the dirt keeps accumulating on the fan again and again, it can embarrass you in front of people. If the fans in your house also get dirty, then it can make you feel embarrassed. dirt If dirt is accumulating, you can do some simple steps to clean it Hacks You can adopt this method. This will make the fans in your house shine. Let's know how to clean fans that get dirty again and again?

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Fan Cleaning Tips
Fan Cleaning Tips-use pillow covers

To clean the fan blades, take an old pillow cover. Put the cover on the blade and pull it slowly to remove the dirt. This prevents dust from falling and makes cleaning easier.

Make a mixture of vinegar and water in a spray bottle. Now spray this mixture on the fan blades and sprinkle baking soda and leave it for 5-10 minutes. Then clean with a cloth. This can be helpful in cleaning the dirt deeply.


Microfiber cloth is best for fans because it catches the dirt well and does not let it spread. Wet it slightly and clean the blades. This can clean the fan blades quite well.

Furniture PolishFurniture Polish
Furniture Polish

After cleaning the fan, apply a light furniture polish on the blades. This prevents dust from sticking to the fan and the fan stays clean for a long time. Also, clean the fan blades regularly with disposable wipes so that dirt does not accumulate.

Clean the fan lightly every week so that a thick layer of dust does not accumulate. Regular cleaning reduces the need for major cleaning.
With the help of these simple hacks, you can get rid of the dirt on the fan and keep it clean for a long time. If you want your fan to be clean properly, then you can adopt these easy hacks.

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