Avoid these mistakes while using electric car, otherwise the risk of accident may increase.
Obnews Automobile Desk: Electric cars are today being seen as the future of mobility in the country and the world. These are better for the environment and their running costs are also less. However, the structure and parts of electric cars are different from ordinary cars, due to which it is necessary to take special care in their use. If careless, these can cause accidents. Know here what are the mistakes that electric car owners should avoid.
1. Avoid excessive charging
- Charging the battery repeatedly to 100% can reduce its life.
- Keeping the charge up to 80% is sufficient and safe for the battery.
- This also reduces the risk of overheating and fire.
2. Don't use the wrong charger
- Always use the original charger provided by the company.
- Local or cheap chargers can damage the battery, increasing the risk of fire.
3. Keep an eye on the temperature
- Avoid parking the car in direct sunlight or in extremely cold places.
- Sudden changes in temperature affect the battery, which can reduce its efficiency.
4. Avoid high speed driving
- Driving at high speed increases battery consumption.
- Driving slowly and steadily leads to longer battery life
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5. Regular servicing is necessary
- Don't forget to get your car serviced from time to time and check tire pressure and brake pads.
- Regular maintenance improves the safety and performance of the car.
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