Consumption of multivitamins without doctor's advice, study shows how the body is being affected.

Due to not taking a balanced diet, some people feel weak and to cure it, they start consuming multivitamins from any medical store. In the circle around you, you will see that more and more people adopt the process. The special thing is that he includes multivitamins in his daily routine without consulting any doctor.

How correct is it to consume multivitamins without doctor's advice?

In fact, from time to time, studies are conducted to check the effects of medicines on the human body. Recently, a study has been conducted by the US National Institutes of Health (NIH) on the effect of daily multivitamin use on people.

Let us tell you that this study has been done on four lakh adults who did not have any kind of chronic disease. During this time, an attempt has been made to find out whether consumption of multivitamins reduces the risk of death or not.

What was the conclusion?

At the time of reporting, it has been found that daily intake of multivitamins is not very effective. Even doctors say that it will have some benefits only to a certain extent but it will cause more harm than benefits. Excessive consumption of any substance harms the body. Some vitamins are fat-soluble, such as A, D, E, and K, which remain in the body. In such a situation, consuming them in excess can even damage the liver.

How to serve?

Not only multivitamins, any kind of nutritional supplement should be consumed as per its requirement in the body. Keep in mind that our body gets most of the supplements from our balanced diet. In such a situation, one should not consume any supplement on one's own without consulting any expert.

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