Lifetime ban lifted from David Warner, now he will be able to do this important work for Australia again

David Warner: Taking a big decision today, Cricket Australia has decided to lift the lifetime ban of leadership on David Warner. This ban was imposed on Warner after the sandpaper controversy in 2018. But, now Cricket Australia has decided to release this player from this ban after 6 years. Although Warner has retired from international cricket, he participates in foreign leagues around the world including BBL. It is believed that after the captaincy ban is lifted, Warner can now be seen captaining Sydney Thunders in BBL.

Lifetime ban lifted from David Warner

Due to the sandpaper controversy in 2018, Cricket Australia had imposed a lifetime captaincy ban on David Warner. As a result, Warner could not captain any Australian team at any level. But, now that this ban has been lifted from him, it is believed that Warner can be seen captaining the Big Bash League in the upcoming season.

Regarding the decision to lift the ban, the panel said, “Warner's respectful and remorseful tone, as well as the subject matter, impressed the review panel and we all unanimously conclude that he acknowledged the mistakes he made and told the truth honestly. “He said in the statement that he deeply regrets his conduct.”

Warner will not make such mistake again

The panel further stated, “David Warner's character and behavior since his ban have been very good and he seems to have made a lot of changes, an example of which is that he no longer sledges the opposition or tries to provoke them. do not do. The Review Panel is fully satisfied that Warner will not engage in any incidents similar to the incident that occurred in 2018, which resulted in his ban, and thus the ban has the relevant quality of specific deterrent.”

Why was Warner banned?

In the match played with South Africa in 2018, the Australian team captained by David Warner committed ball tampering. After finding evidence of this tampering, Cricket Australia took strict action against its players. Sandpaper was used to tamper with the ball, hence it is known as the sandpaper controversy.

After the 2018 sandpaper controversy, David Warner and Steve Smith were banned for 1 year each, while Cameron Bancroft could not play cricket for 9 months. However, since this entire incident happened during Warner's captaincy, a lifetime captaincy ban was also imposed on him. However, now Cricket Australia has released Warner from this ban.

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