Decreasing platelets can become a problem during pregnancy, adopt these home remedies to increase them.

Increase Platelets during Pregnancy: Pregnancy is a situation in which various types of changes occur in a woman's life. These changes can be emotional, physical and mental. Sometimes hormonal changes result in deficiency of platelets in the body. pregnancy The occurrence of platelets is considered normal but this problem can hamper the development of the child. in a healthy body platelets The figure ranges between 150,000 to 450,000 per microliter of blood. If it falls below 150,000 then there is a problem of low platelets. It is advised to reduce the intake of medicines during pregnancy. In such a situation, platelets can be increased by adopting home remedies. Let us know why platelets are low during pregnancy and how it can be normalized.

Also read: These 4 foods will increase platelet counts rapidly: Platelets Increasing Food

Why do platelets decrease during pregnancy?

Increase Platelets during Pregnancy
Why do platelets decrease during pregnancy?

Fatty Liver: Fatty liver is a condition in which microliters in the blood can decrease rapidly. If the platelet count is below 20,000 then the problem can be serious.

Immune Thrombocytopenic Purpura: Immune thrombocytopenic purpura or ITP is an autoimmunity disorder. This problem is one of the most common reasons for low platelets during pregnancy.

High BP: Low platelets during pregnancy can be due to disorders like HELLP, preeclampsia. In this situation, excessive stress can prove dangerous for the woman.

Symptoms of low platelets in pregnancy

– Exhaustion

– Blood in urine and stool

– Frequent injuries and delayed recovery

– small red spots on the skin

– Brown and red lesions in the skin

– Bleeding in gums due to brushing and flossing

– nose bleeding

– dizzy

– Weakness

These problems can occur due to low platelets

Increase platelets like thisIncrease platelets like this
These problems can occur due to low platelets

– Due to low platelets, both mother and child can face problems.

– The woman may have to face premature delivery.

– There may be a problem of over bleeding during delivery.

– There may be hindrance in the growth of the child.

– Woman may have to face urine syndrome

– Blood clot may occur, which increases the risk of multiple organ damage.

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Platelets can increase with these home remedies

It is advisable to consume less medicines during pregnancy. In such a situation, consuming specific food items can help in increasing platelets. However, do not follow any diet and prescription without doctor's advice.

– Regularly consume vegetables and fruits like carrots, tomatoes, beetroot and berries.

– You can consume green leafy vegetables like spinach, fenugreek and kale.

– Consume pulses, eggs, beef and grains in abundance during pregnancy.

– Include walnuts, dark chocolate and dairy products in your diet during pregnancy.

– Consume things containing Omega 3 fatty acids like flaxseed, fish and mushrooms.

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