Delhi High Court gave a big blow to BJP, rejected the petition to call a special session of Delhi Assembly for CAG.

New Delhi. The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has received a big blow from the Delhi High Court on Friday amid the Delhi Assembly Elections. The High Court rejected the petition of BJP, which had demanded calling a special session of Delhi Assembly for CAG. The High Court said that they cannot call a special session of Delhi Assembly. BJP had demanded the court to make public 14 CAG reports of Delhi government.

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Delhi High Court refused to give instructions to call a special session of the Assembly on the petition of BJP MLAs. The court also said that there has been a lot of delay on the part of the Delhi government in presenting the report in the Delhi Assembly. It is a mandatory constitutional obligation to present the CAG report before the Assembly.

Seven BJP MLAs, including BJP MLA Vijendra Gupta, had filed a petition in the High Court demanding that 14 CAG reports related to Delhi administration be tabled in the Assembly. It was also said in the petition that the High Court should direct the Speaker to call a special session of the Assembly, so that the CAG issue could be debated. The HC had to decide whether the court could issue instructions to the Speaker to call a special session on its own behalf if assembly elections are near.

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