Diabetes is reducing your eyesight, know the unique way to deal with it

Health News Desk,Nowadays, the problem of dry eye syndrome (DES) has become quite common. This is an eye problem, which occurs due to insufficient tear production. Due to this, the eyes start getting red, they start burning, sometimes blurry vision also occurs. There are not one but many reasons for this eye problem. Aging, hormonal changes are very common causes of this problem. According to a recent study, there is also a link between diabetes and dry eye syndrome. According to experts, when blood sugar increases more than normal, it affects the blood vessels of the eyes. Due to which many serious problems can arise. Even the eyes start getting weak.
What is the connection between diabetes and dry eye syndrome?Several studies have confirmed that there is a link between diabetes and DES. According to a study published in the Diabetes Care journal, people who suffer from diabetes are more prone to DES than others. About 1,000 people were included in this study. In which it was found that diabetic patients produce less tears in their eyes or the quality of their tears decreases. When the blood sugar level is high, the glands that produce tears are damaged. Which increases the risk of dry eye syndrome.
How to protect eyes in diabetes?1. If a diabetic patient feels the problem of dry eye syndrome, then he should immediately contact the doctor.2. Since increased blood sugar levels are not good for the eyes. They damage the blood vessels. In such a situation, attention should be paid to controlling blood sugar.3. Drinking enough water keeps the eyes and body hydrated and reduces the risk of dry eye syndrome.4. If you sit in front of the screen for a long time, then take a break from the phone or laptop screen if you notice symptoms of DES. Do not forget to blink.5. This eye problem can increase further due to UV rays. Therefore, eyes should be protected from sunlight.6. Smoking can worsen the symptoms of DES. So stay away from alcohol and cigarettes.

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