Digital Diary Series Chapter 7 About Archie, the first search engine in history

Live Hindi News :- Archie is the world's first search engine. Thought to have disappeared from the internet, tech experts have located and recovered traces of the Archie search engine. History of Archie: The Archie search engine was created in 1989 by a college student named Alan Emtage. There was no use of Google and websites back then. The first website was created in 1991 when the vast web known as the 'World Wide Web' was created. Then came the internet revolution.

Before this, servers and sites existed on the Internet in the form of FTP. These FTP servers were located in universities, laboratories, government organizations and military system terminals around the world. Finding the information contained in them was not an easy task. Retrieving information is possible only if you know the FTP server and the names of the files correctly. Although there were manuals for these servers, they were not compiled. It was then that Emtage developed the Archie search engine as a simple way to find information in FTP files.

While he was a student at McGill University in Canada, Archie developed the search engine. Archie quickly became popular as it made it easier to search Internet files. By the early 1990s, Archie was becoming increasingly popular. However, when dedicated search engines such as 'Veronica', 'Webstar', 'Jumpstation', 'Yahoo' and 'AltaVista' were introduced for searching the Internet, Archie lost its importance. The last update of Archie was released in 1996 and it has not been updated since then.

Recovering Archie: Archie's traces disappear over time. Since 1996, even the Internet Archive, which archives websites, does not have an archive of Archie. Archie's creator, Alan Emtage, donated a collection of Archie servers to an American university, which is inaccessible. In this context, the YouTube channel 'Serial Port' began searching for Archie. Its last archive was found stored at the University of Warsaw in Poland.

With this package, Archie has revived the search engine. Serial Port ( is a digital museum preserving old traces of the internet. That is why they have worked so hard to bring back the first search engine Archie.

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