Do regular checkups to prevent heart attack: Prevent Heart Attack

Prevent Heart Attack: Youngsters of today have become very conscious about their bodies. They go to the gym regularly and follow expensive diets, yet they are suffering from stress and anxiety. The main reason for this is their lack of sleep. Sleep is like all the nutrients that our body needs. If we do not get enough sleep, it leads to the secretion of chemicals in the body that cause high blood pressure, diabetes, hypertension, etc. As a result, the chances of heart attack increase to a great extent due to all these diseases.

1. Get enough sleep

Lack of sleep can lead to heart disease. Avoiding sleep to work or socialize more does not make you cool. Several studies and scientific journals have linked sleep deprivation to increased inflammation in the heart. You can have the best diet and exercise routine in the world, but if you are sleep deprived all the time, your body will let you down at some point.

Sleeping early doesn't mean you stop living a fun life. You need to plan it better. You may believe that you are busy all the time, but if you sit down and organize your day better, you will get at least three to four hours of extra time. We should stop glorifying rush and work and give our bodies the rest they deserve.

Also read: Increased risk of heart attack while working out: Reasons of Heart Attack

2. Control stress

Cardiologists and cardiovascular experts will tell you how chronic stress is the biggest cause of heart attacks. Before you say everyone gets stressed, which is true. Understanding how you relate to your stress and how you deal with it is important. Assess your stressors.

ask yourself: How do you handle stressful situations? Do you rest enough? If you don't, ask yourself how greedy you have become that you have spent so much time on your tasks that you don't get time to rest. Chronic stress and your inability to handle it throws you out of homeostasis. This can cause fluctuations in your blood pressure, sugar levels and pulse rate. Find ways to slow it down. The more stressed you are, the more cortisol levels will increase. The more cortisol you have in your body, the more inflammation and thus the risk of heart attack and stroke increases.

Lifestyle changes

Vegetable oils are rich in omega-6 fatty acids. Excess of omega-6 can increase inflammation and oxidative stress in the body, which can lead to heart attack. Olive oil is a very good and healthy oil for the heart. But it is best to sprinkle it on salads, hummus, bread, etc.

Do not eat processed food

Packaged and processed food items are made with low-grade refined oils that are reused over and over again, which can increase inflammation and oxidative damage in the body. While everyone loves to eat out once in a while, overdoing it can have unhealthy effects on your body and heart.

Avoid a sedentary lifestyle

Even if you don't do a full workout, just stay active. Walking and yoga are the most effective exercises. You can also stay active by doing dance, aerobics, Zumba, swimming.

stay away from smoking

Every puff you take increases the risk of heart attack and stroke by 20 to 30 percent, not just for you but also for those who breathe in passive smoke.

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