Do you know the difference between proverbs, idioms and idioms? Know some popular and witty figures of speech in Hindi language


Indian Idioms and Phrases We often use proverbs, idioms and proverbs in our conversations. These are so mixed in our language that we do not even realize when they come in the middle of the conversation. Proverbs, idioms and proverbs, all three are important parts of the language which are used to make the conversation interesting and effective.

While proverbs express life experiences and truths in a concise manner, idioms are phrases whose meaning is different from the general meaning of their words. Proverbs are proverbs used in a specific context, such as 'If you don't know how to dance, the courtyard looks crooked.'

What are the proverbs, Idioms And proverbs

Sayings Proverbs: They are topical sentences that usually summarize wisdom derived from life experiences. They often reflect morals or truths of life. For example 'where there is a will there is a way'. Proverbs usually state a truth or principle and are widely used.

Idioms Idioms are phrases that express a meaning different from the normal meaning of words. Their meaning cannot be deduced from their constituent words. For example, 'to be the apple of someone's eye' means to be someone's favourite. Idioms usually have specific meanings and are used in conversation to indicate something in particular.

proverbs Proverbs are special types of sayings, which are commonly used in a particular context or situation. They often represent the perceptions of a particular culture or society. For example, 'Naach na jane aangan crooked'. Proverbs are usually used in reference to an event or situation and are often associated with accuracy and sarcasm.

Hindi of something hot Sayings, Idioms And proverbs

1. Monkey What know Ginger taste of

  • Meaning: One who does not have knowledge of something cannot understand its importance.
  • trend: When a person does not give importance to a particular thing.

2. dance No know Courtyard crooked

  • Meaning: Blaming others to hide one's own shortcomings.
  • trend: When someone avoids accepting his mistake.

3. Whose Work That same To Saje

  • Meaning: One should work according to his expertise.
  • trend: When someone tries to do something beyond his ability.

4. the sky From fell, Dates In stuck

  • Meaning: Trying to get out of one problem and getting stuck in another.
  • trend: When a person tries to escape from one problem, he gets trapped in a worse problem.

5. Home of hen Lentils Equal

  • Meaning: Not valuing the things in your home.
  • trend: When people do not give importance to their family or household items.

6. Black Letter Buffalo Equal

  • Meaning: Not giving importance to a person who is weak in studies.
  • trend: When a person is backward in knowledge or education.

7. away Of the drum pleasant

  • Meaning: Things at a distance always look good.
  • trend: When a person only hears about something but doesn't like it in reality.

8. Thief of Beard In his

  • Meaning: The person who does wrong gets caught easily.
  • trend: When a person tries to hide his mistake.

9. Drop Drop From Sea Bharta Is

  • Meaning: Small efforts together give big results.
  • trend: When someone achieves success by working slowly.

10. glass half filled Is

  • Meaning: Looking at a situation from a positive perspective.
  • trend: When a person sees positivity even in difficulty.

(Disclaimer: This article is based on general information. We do not make any claim regarding it.)

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