Do you know which was the first incarnation of Lord Vishnu?: Lord Vishnu First Avatar

Lord Vishnu First Avatar: According to the scriptures, every incarnation of Lord Vishnu has a deeper purpose—to protect creation and establish dharma. Whenever there was a crisis on earth, he ended that crisis by incarnating in some special form. The first incarnation of Lord Vishnu is known as “Matsya Avatar”. He took this incarnation when the demon Hayagriva stole the Vedas and hid them in the depths of the ocean.

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Matsya Avatar is considered to be the first of the ten major incarnations of Lord Vishnu. In this incarnation, Lord Vishnu appeared in the form of a fish, when the time of destruction came in the universe. Due to which the balance of the universe was disturbed. Then Lord Vishnu took Matsya incarnation and killed Hayagriva and protected the Vedas. The main objective of this incarnation was to protect the knowledge of creation and to establish religion.

It is believed that Lord Vishnu took his first incarnation on the Tritiya Tithi of Shukla Paksha of Chait month. This amazing incarnation has been discussed in detail in the Puranas, especially the Bhagavata Purana. It is said that in this incarnation, God took the form of a fish and protected the Vedas at the time of destruction.

Another popular belief is about the Matsya incarnation, according to which Lord Vishnu, in the form of a fish, warned King Satyavrata, who later came to be known as Manu, that doomsday was about to come. The Lord told sage Satyavrata to collect all the living beings and important seeds and prepare a big boat. When the waters of the flood will spread all around, then Lord Vishnu in the form of a fish will take the boat to a safe place.

When the earth started submerging in water during the cataclysm, Lord Vishnu took the incarnation of Matsya and protected the boat of King Satyavrat (Manu). In this boat he kept all the animals, plant seeds and sages safe. Lord Vishnu, in the form of a fish, tied the boat to his horn and took it to a safe place from the destructive waters of the cataclysm. After this, when the waters gradually calmed down and the cataclysm ended, Lord Brahma created the universe again. Thus, the Matsya incarnation protected the earth and life, allowing the cycle of creation to begin again.

The ten major incarnations of Vishnu are called “Dasavatar”, which include Matsya, Kurma, Varaha, Narasimha, Vamana, Parashurama, Rama, Krishna, Buddha and Kalki. The purpose of each incarnation is to establish righteousness and destroy unrighteousness. Lord Vishnu in the form of Trimurti, along with Brahma (creator) and Mahesh (destroyer) is responsible for the operation of the universe, in which Vishnu's function is to protect life and the world.

Kachhapa Avatar, also known as Kurma Avatar, is the second incarnation of Lord Vishnu, in which he appeared in the form of a tortoise. In this incarnation he carried the Mandar mountain on his back during the churning of the ocean, which made possible the attainment of nectar between the gods and the demons. This incarnation was important in maintaining the balance of creation, and became a symbol of protection for Lord Vishnu.

Varaha Avatar, the third incarnation of Lord Vishnu, appeared as half human and half pig. In this incarnation, Lord Vishnu killed the demon Hiranyaksha, who had stolen the earth and hidden it in the depths of the ocean. Through Varaha avatar, Lord Vishnu liberated the earth and restored the balance of creation. This incarnation is a symbol of power and protection, indicating that whenever there is a crisis on earth, Lord Vishnu incarnates to protect humanity.

Nrisimha Avatar, the fourth incarnation of Lord Vishnu, appeared in a wonderful form, in which he was half human and half lion. In this incarnation the Lord protected the devotee Prahlad and killed his cruel father Hiranyakashipu. Hiranyakashyap made several attempts to kill his devotee son Prahlad, but Lord Vishnu in his Nrisimha form killed him, proving that a devotee's devotion never fails. This incarnation symbolizes power, devotion and the victory of religion against unrighteousness.

Vamana Avatar, the fifth incarnation of Lord Vishnu, appeared on earth in the form of Batuk Brahmin. In this incarnation, God asked King Bali to donate three steps of land. King Bali, who was proud of himself, happily promised to donate. But Lord Vishnu covered all the three worlds in a single step, thereby breaking Bali's pride. This incarnation taught that God always protects His devotees and destroys pride. Vamana avatar is a symbol of devotion, humility and true knowledge.

Parashurama Avatar, the sixth incarnation of Lord Vishnu, appeared as Parashurama, a devotee of Shiva. In this incarnation, the Lord took birth as Renuka, daughter of King Prasenjit and son of Bhrigavanshi sage Jamdagni. Parashurama saved the world from destruction by waging a war against the arrogance and tyranny of the Kshatriyas. He destroyed the Kshatriyas from the earth 21 times, showing that when dharma and justice are violated, God himself incarnates and destroys unrighteousness. Parashurama incarnation is a symbol of strength, determination and justice.

Shri Ram Avatar, the seventh incarnation of Lord Vishnu, appeared in Treta Yuga as the son of King Dasharatha of Ayodhya and Queen Kausalya. Shri Ram followed religion, ideals and duty in his life, due to which he became famous by the name of “Ram”. In this incarnation, Lord Rama worked to free the world from the terror and sin of Ravana. Ravana abducted Sita, and Ram, on the strength of his devotion, courage and friendship, along with the monkey army, killed Ravana. This incarnation of Shri Ram not only destroys unrighteousness, but also inspires humanity to live an ideal life.

Shri Krishna Avatar, the eighth incarnation of Lord Vishnu, appeared in Dwapara Yuga. In this incarnation, Lord Krishna was born in Gokul as the son of Vasudev and Devaki. Krishna, at various stages of his life, destroyed unrighteousness and re-established righteousness. In the Dharmayudha of Mahabharata, he played the role of charioteer of Arjuna, where he showed him the right path of dharma and duty. His teachings given in Geeta are a guide for humanity even today. This incarnation of Shri Krishna is a symbol of love, compassion and justice, which teaches us how important it is to follow dharma in life.

Buddha Gautam Avatar, the ninth incarnation of Lord Vishnu, appeared as Mahatma Gautam Buddha. He was born with the name Siddhartha, and is considered the founder of Buddhism. Gautam Buddha acquired profound knowledge about the sufferings of life and their alleviation and preached non-violence, compassion, and self-knowledge. His preaching guides humanity towards peace and truth, thereby inspiring people to move towards reality and harmony.

Kalki Avatar, the tenth and final incarnation of Lord Vishnu, will appear at the end of Kaliyuga as per religious texts. In this incarnation, Lord Kalki will come riding on a horse named Devdutt and will destroy all the sins and bad deeds spread on the earth. This will be a time when lawlessness and anarchy will be at its peak, and Lord Kalki will kill the wicked with his sword. With this incarnation, Satyayuga will be re-established, where truth, religion and morality will rule. This message of Kalki Avatar gives hope and confidence to humanity to rebuild.

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