Do you love me or your work? – Obnews
teacher: Who is the laziest?
Pappu: The person who leaves the TV on instead of looking for the remote!
Wife: Do you love me or your work?
Husband: I love both, but the problem is that work does not demand an answer from me!
Doctor: Why do you get angry so easily?
Patient: Because people don't listen to me!
Doctor: Well, take a deep breath and don't get angry.
Patient: I will not do it!
Boss: How much salary do you need for your work?
Pappu: Sir, the harder I work, the more I work.
Boss: Okay, so Rs 0 for sure!
Wife: I can't live without you.
Husband: Okay then, I'll take a walk.
teacher: Who said, “The world is round”?
Pappu: Sir, who might have made Gola Roti for the first time.
Golu: What is the biggest knowledge a man gets after marriage?
Pappu: That the woman is right.
Funny Jokes: What is your name?
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