Does lighting a sesame oil lamp provide relief from planetary defects?: Astro Tips

Astro Tips: Lighting a sesame oil lamp is an ancient and important tradition in Hinduism. It is believed that lighting a sesame oil lamp purifies the environment and removes negative energy. According to astrology, lighting a sesame oil lamp removes planetary defects. Lighting a lamp is considered mandatory during worship, and a sesame oil lamp is considered the most auspicious after a ghee lamp. Lighting a sesame oil lamp not only provides religious benefits, but it also brings positive energy and peace to the house.

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Lighting a sesame oil lamp not only eliminates negativity from the environment, but it also provides mental peace. Lighting it especially at the main entrance brings the blessings of Goddess Lakshmi and also stops the entry of negative energy into the house. According to the scriptures, sesame oil is considered powerful and offering it to the gods pleases them. Being especially associated with the planet Saturn, sesame oil is also very effective in calming the effects of Saturn.

Lighting a sesame oil lamp has a positive effect on the position of the Sun and Moon in the horoscope. This strengthens the position of the Sun, which increases the chances of success and progress in the workplace. Also, the position of the Moon is strengthened, which reduces the planetary defects in the horoscope and the person gets relief from the negative effects of the planets. Thus, lighting a sesame oil lamp proves to be helpful in removing the planetary defects in the horoscope.

There are certain things to keep in mind while lighting a sesame oil lamp. Firstly, using a wick made of red thread is considered most auspicious, as it helps in lighting the lamp in the right manner. The lamp should be placed on the left side of the deities, so that one can receive the full benefit of their grace. Additionally, the lamp should be kept burning continuously during the puja; if the lamp is extinguished, the full fruits of the puja are not achieved. Thus, lighting the lamp in the right manner ensures the effectiveness and benefits of the puja.

According to astrology, lighting a sesame oil lamp is extremely beneficial. Burning sesame oil spreads a sweet fragrance in the atmosphere, which calms the mind and removes negative energy. Additionally, lighting a sesame oil lamp removes planetary defects like Shani Dosh, Rahu-Ketu Dosh. Offering this lamp to the gods is also a means of obtaining their blessings, which keeps happiness and peace in the lives of devotees. Lighting a sesame oil lamp reduces mental stress and increases peace of mind.

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