Donated liver to mother-in-law's sister, then something like this happened…, Archana's death shocked everyone

-Best donation to organ donation today

Bangalore. Donated liver to mother in law sister: Nowadays organ donation is considered the best donation. Because it can save the life of a person who is on the verge of death. But a heart-wrenching incident has come to light that a woman who donated her organs to a relative died within a few days. Also, everyone is stunned to hear the story of this woman who loved her family very much.

This is the story of Bangalore's Archana Kamat. She was just 33 years old. She had such a good relationship with her in-laws that she agreed to donate her liver to her mother-in-law's sister. The family was a little scared about this. But Archana remained firm on this decision. The woman to whom she donated her liver.

She was 63 years old. On September 4, Archana underwent surgery (donated liver to mother in law sister) and the liver donation process was completed. After this she had to stay in the hospital for seven days. But the day she was discharged from the hospital, she started having problems. So she was admitted to the hospital again. But the infection spread in her body and she died.

Meanwhile, the video of this entire incident is going viral on social media (Donated liver to mother in law sister). The entire story of the deceased Archana Kamat is told in this video. Her untimely demise has shattered a happy family. Archana's son is just 4 years old. Archana had voluntarily helped her relatives as a humanitarian. But she died due to complications during surgery.

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