Due to which disease Baba Venga's eyes were damaged, know the symptoms and treatment
Father Wanga: Bulgaria's famous prophetess and spiritual guru Baba Venga, whose prophecies have been proven correct many times, was always blind due to an eye disease. Them "Nostradamus from the Balkans" Also known as. Many mysterious events occurred in his life, and he made many important predictions about the times to come, which mostly proved to be true. But a sad aspect in her life was that she had a serious eye disease, due to which she could not see. Let us know what was the disease that took away his eyesight and what were its symptoms.
Baba Venga's life is famous not only because of his prophecies, but his eye case also attracted a lot of attention. The problem with her eyes was due to a serious disease, due to which she remained blind forever. According to some reports, his eyes were damaged by a strong storm and dust, while according to some other sources, Baba Venga had serious eye diseases like exophthalmos and glaucoma.
What is exophthalmos and its symptoms?
Exophthalmos is a condition in which the eyes protrude out of their normal position. This disease is mainly caused by Graves' disease, in which the thyroid gland becomes excessively active. Due to this disease, the eye muscles become weak and the skin around the eyes becomes swollen. Let us know its main symptoms:
bulging eyes
swelling of the skin around the eyes
weakening of the muscles around the eyes
poor eyesight
eye pain or irritation
redness of the skin around the eyes
Causes of exophthalmos
graves disease
thyroid gland problems
autoimmune diseases
eye injuries
tumor or infection
Glaucoma and its symptoms
Glaucoma is a disease in which pressure in the eyes increases and can lead to blindness. This condition occurs due to excessive pressure inside the eyes, which affects the structure of the eyes. Its major symptoms include:
blurred vision
eye pain or irritation
redness of the skin around the eyes
watering eyes
poor vision
problem seeing colors
problem seeing at night
What is its treatment?
There is not much information available about the treatment of Baba Venga's eyes, but it is likely that his treatment could not be done at the right time. Both diseases—exophthalmos and glaucoma—are treatable with current medicine, but there is a risk of losing eyesight if not treated in time.
Disclaimer: This story is based on media reports. JBT does not confirm this.
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