Eating fish can prevent diseases like dementia and Alzheimer's, a new thing has come to light from the study…

Dementia and Alzheimer's are different diseases but their symptoms are somewhat similar. In this, a person sees symptoms like short-term memory loss, frequent confusion, feeling confused while doing everyday tasks, feeling isolated, change in behavior, difficulty in taking decisions, difficulty in speaking. . Dementia and Alzheimer's are considered diseases of increasing age, but now cases of these diseases are being seen even at young ages. At present, a study has recently come out in which it has been said that regular intake of fish can prevent diseases like dementia and Alzheimer's. There can be genetic reasons behind the occurrence of Alzheimer's or dementia, that is, parents have had this problem. Or some head injury, increasing age, etc. could be the reason.

Apart from this, factors like excessive smoking, alcohol consumption, diabetes, high cholesterol etc. also increase the risk of Alzheimer's and dementia. For now, let us know how the risk of these diseases can be reduced by eating fish and what is the expert's opinion on it. What does the study say? A study published in Aging Clinical and Experimental Research suggests a relationship between fish consumption and reducing the risks of amnesia. The study found that people who eat fish have less risk of cognitive impairment i.e. memory loss compared to those who do not eat fish. Therefore it is believed that consumption of fish can reduce the risk of dementia and Alzheimer's.

In this study, researchers monitored the eating habits of 849,000 people around the world and found that people who regularly ate fish were less likely to suffer from memory loss, although they were less likely to develop any neurodegenerative disease. It cannot be slowed down or completely stopped, but this shows that keeping good lifestyle and diet options can keep the brain healthy, thereby reducing the chances of these diseases. According to the study, high consumption of fish reduces the risk of dementia by 18 percent, while the risk of Alzheimer's reduces by 15 percent.

Eating fish is a preventive option, but if someone has this problem due to genetics or head injury etc., the factors cannot be ignored. Why is fish beneficial? Actually, fish is a source of good protein and it contains Omega 3 fatty acids. It is found in good quantity which is helpful in protecting the brain cells. Apart from this, many nutrients are found in fish which can not only keep you mentally healthy but also boost your physical health. What do experts say?

Nowadays, cases of dementia etc. are being seen even at an early age, regarding which health expert Sameer Bhati says that unhealthy lifestyle is largely responsible for the occurrence of such diseases at an early age, hence if small children are included in the daily routine. This can be avoided if changes are made. Like keeping weight under control, not smoking, taking alcohol in limited quantity. Besides, the increasing weight should also be kept under control. For a healthy brain, there should be no deficiency of Vitamin B12 and its main sources are eggs, milk, other dairy products, fish and animal foods.

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