Eating less food reduces life expectancy? Know the truth behind this

Long Life: Often when someone survives death or is counting his last breaths but is unable to give up his life, you must have heard the elders saying that God has sent every person to this world with his food and water assured, his food and water is still left. At the same time, many times you must have heard children and youth being told to eat less, you will live longer, your life will be long?

Eating too much food reduces lifespan. Have you ever wondered whether eating less food actually increases lifespan? Are these things said by the elders baseless or does modern science also have something to say about this? Let us know what science has to say.

Modern science has done many researches

Dr. Sanjay Kalra, President of the Association of Longevity and Anti-Aging Medicine and a well-known endocrinologist at Bharti Hospital, Karnal, says that in modern science, modern doctors have also tried to work on this and it has been observed that if we restrict calories, our lifespan increases. Most people understand that calorie restriction means staying hungry, weak and malnourished. But that is not the case.

Many researches have found that insects, small animals and monkeys live longer if they increase their food intake to 80%. Also ensure that you do not become malnourished and your diet is balanced.

People live longer in the blue zone

All these studies have been done on animals but it has been found in humans as well that there are five areas in the world, their name is Blue Zone. These are places present in five countries. One of these is Okinawa in Japan, Ikaria in Greece, Loma Linda in America, Sardinia in Italy and Nicoya in Costa Rica. It has been observed that people live long here. People living in these Blue Zones have a rule of 80 percent food. They say that eat only till you are 80 percent full. That is, leave 20 percent. This is the secret of their long life.

Medicines are being sought

Another option is that now medicines are being searched which restrict calories and these activate AMP Kinase. Some such examples are diabetes medicines like metformin. Some other such medicines are SGLT-2 inhibitors, these are also diabetes medicines. The third is GLP-1RA. This is a medicine to reduce both diabetes and obesity. It has been seen that these medicines also activate AMP Kinase.

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