Eating too much spicy food causes harm to the heart, know how?

Whenever it comes to food, our attention first goes to taste. Everyone has different preferences in terms of food and drink. While some people like sweet food, some people like spicy food. Similarly, there are some people who like to eat very spicy food. Spicy foods have both positive and negative effects on heart health.

When you eat spicy food in limited quantities, it has a positive effect. Capsaicin found in Michigan has been shown to have some cardioprotective properties. It may help reduce bad cholesterol by improving blood circulation. Reducing bad cholesterol can reduce the risk of heart disease, heart attack and stroke. But if you eat too much spicy food then it can prove harmful for your heart. So today in this article, Ritu Puri, a dietitian from the central government hospital ESIC Hospital, is telling you how eating too much spicy food can harm your heart-

Gastric reflux problem may increase

Spicy foods are a trigger in people who occasionally have acid reflux or full-blown gastroesophageal reflux disease, according to a 2021 review in Preventive Nutrition and Food Science. If they eat spicy food then they may have to face more of this problem. Therefore, people suffering from conditions like heartburn or gastritis should be careful about how often or how much spicy food they eat, as it may cause them problems.

heart rate may increase

When you eat very spicy food it can increase your heart rate. In fact, capsaicin, the compound responsible for the spiciness in peppers, can stimulate the nervous system, causing increased heart rate. However, a slight increase in heart rate is not a problem. But if someone already has any heart related problem or disease then it can be very troublesome for him. Because of this they may experience discomfort, irregular heartbeat or nervousness. Consuming spicy food continuously can worsen their condition.

There may be a complaint of high blood pressure

If you are suffering from blood pressure then you should avoid eating too spicy food. This may cause a temporary increase in your blood pressure. A temporary increase in blood pressure can put extra strain on the heart and blood vessels, increasing the risk of heart attack or stroke over time. Therefore, it is advised that blood pressure patients should not eat too much spicy food daily.

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