Email Tips- Now you will not have to type emails, know the amazing features of Gmail.

In today's digital world, voice calls have been replaced by video calls., The message has been taken over by WhatsApp, And electronic mail has taken the place of chitchattis., in which the most G-Mail Gmail has widely made a place in people's lives, today if you want to use a mobile phone, you need Gmail, it offers many features to its wide range of users, recently Google has made it easy to type Gmail. The problem has been resolved, Google Of Gemini AI Powered by Contextual Smart Reply starting with, This new capability is set to revolutionize the way users handle their inboxes, let's know the complete details about it.

AI-Powered Answer: Contextual Smart Reply Uses advanced artificial intelligence to analyze the content of your emails, Prepares detailed responses tailored to the message.

Enhanced Response Options: 2017 Unlike the original Smart Reply feature launched in, who only provided brief one-liners, This upgrade suggests comprehensive answers that may include several paragraphs.


User Friendly Interface: upon opening the email, User will see suggested answers at the bottom of the screen, That includes the title and introductory content of the email. AI Generates a complete response that can be easily edited before sending.

Availability: This facility is currently Google Workspace is being launched for users, especially those who have Gemini Business, Enterprise, Education come on Education Premium There are add-ons.


Platform Support: Contextual Smart Reply feature Android And iOS Available on both, So that users can avail its functionality on their favorite device.

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