Big holes in the ears can become small even without stitches, know the solution

You must have noticed that the ear holes of some women start getting bigger. This problem occurs due to increasing age or repeatedly wearing heavy earrings in the ears.

If your ear hole has become bigger and you want to make it smaller without surgery, then you can fix it by adopting some home remedies and precautions. Let us know about these home remedies and precautions –

ear piercing patch

There are special earlobe patches available in the market that cover the ear holes. These patches provide support to the ear holes and help reduce the weight of the earrings. You can also wear light earrings while wearing this.

wear fewer earrings

If the ear piercing has enlarged, then stop wearing earrings for some time. This may give the ear hole time to heal on its own. Relax your ears as much as possible and avoid wearing earrings.

Use Vitamin E oil

Vitamin E oil is known to be used for skin healing. Apply Vitamin E oil regularly in the ear hole, which increases the elasticity of the skin and the hole can gradually shrink. Lightly massage Vitamin E oil on the ear holes every day before sleeping.

eat nutritious food

Nutrition is also very important for healthy skin. Eat foods that are high in vitamin C, vitamin E, and protein, which will help increase skin elasticity and healing.

Use chemical peel

You can also get a chemical peel done with the help of a certified doctor. With this, the scar tissue present in the ears will become smaller over time. However, don't try to do this at all yourself. If chemicals are used in the ear piercing without any assistance, it is possible that it may get infected.

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