Excessive use of mouthwash can increase problems, know important precautions

Mouthwash is commonly used to freshen breath and clean the mouth, but did you know that excessive use of it can be harmful to your oral health? Let us know how to use mouthwash properly and what things should be kept in mind.

1. Harmful effects of excessive use of mouthwash

a) Effect on oral microbiome:
The chemicals present in mouthwash can destroy harmful bacteria as well as beneficial bacteria, which can upset the natural bacterial balance of the mouth.

b) Dry mouth problem:
Excessive use of mouthwash can affect the salivary glands, causing dryness in the mouth (dry mouth) and increasing the chances of tooth decay.

c) Burning sensation and sensitivity in mouth:
Some mouthwashes contain alcohol and other harsh chemicals, which can damage the delicate layers of the mouth and cause irritation, redness, or sensitivity.

d) Yellowing of teeth:
Prolonged use of mouthwash can stain teeth, making them look yellow and unsightly.

2. Tips for proper use of mouthwash

  • Do not use mouthwash more than once a day.
  • Do not overuse antiseptic mouthwash without doctor's advice.
  • Use natural alternatives like gargling with salt mixed with lukewarm water.
  • Choose a mouthwash containing fluoride, which keeps teeth strong.
  • Children and the elderly should choose mild mouthwash.

3. Under what circumstances to use mouthwash?

  • In case of mouth ulcers or infection.
  • In case of bleeding gums.
  • In case of problem of bad breath.
  • On doctor's advice after dental surgery.

4. What can be an alternative to mouthwash?

If you want to avoid overusing mouthwash, you can try these natural alternatives:

  • Oil pulling with coconut or sesame oil.
  • Green tea rinse, which helps reduce bacteria.
  • Gargle with turmeric and salt.

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