Best ways to improve health through Ayurvedic remedies in winter: Ayurvedic Remedy for Health

Ayurvedic Remedy for Health: In Ayurveda, the winter season is called Hemant Ritu. We all love to enjoy the winter season under our warm blankets while sipping tea. It also feels so good to sit in front of the fire, eat food or talk with the family. According to Dr. Ritesh A Shukla, Medical Advisor, Charak Pharma, Ayurveda In winter our digestive fire increases and because of this we are able to digest more heavy food also but if you over eating Or if you eat wrong things, you may have to face digestive problems due to bad lifestyle habits.

But Ayurveda has given some tips to stay healthy during winter. Some common health problems in India during winter are cold, flu, cough, joint pain, dry skin, psoriasis, dry eczema etc. According to Ayurveda, Vata and Kapha become unbalanced in winter. To balance these and avoid getting shattered by seasonal cold, our immunity should be strong enough. Some easy tips of Ayurveda which you can easily follow:

1. While drinking water, replace normal water with lukewarm water so that your immunity gets strengthened and you do not fall prey to seasonal diseases.

2. Ayurveda says that during the winter season, your diet should include ghee, seasonal fruits like amla, pomegranate and some hot soups.

3. Be sure to include those foods which have high amount of Vata Dosha like dairy products, sugar, jaggery, sugar candy in your diet.

4. Track your miles and do not forget to eat at any time, eat small but sufficient food at one time.

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5. Make sure to use some spices like dry ginger powder and honey, this will not only keep your body warm but will also balance the defects in the body.

6. Apply the oil all over your body and massage it well and also massage your head. For this you can use sesame seeds oil.

7. Massage with a paste made of Triphala powder, sandalwood, and sesame oil and you can also use it for exfoliation. With this, skin oil balance will be maintained and the skin will not remain dry, and the skin will also remain warm.

8. Wear warm and winter clothes and especially keep your chest, head and legs covered. Dry sauna can also be used to warm and strengthen the body in winter.

9. Spend some time in sunlight daily to warm yourself naturally and get Vitamin D.

10. For warmth and energy, you can do some light exercises like walking or Surya Namaskar etc.

Dry winter and foggy winter are two different types of winter whose characteristics are almost similar. You can use the tips written above in both types of winters and also combine them with hot food and warm clothes. Include food containing oil and fat in your diet this season so that the doshas can be balanced and your immunity can be strengthened.

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