Food items prohibited for diabetes patients, consumption can suddenly increase blood sugar

It is very important for diabetic patients to take special care of their diet. Some foods can increase blood sugar levels rapidly, making it difficult to control diabetes. Let us know which foods diabetic patients should stay away from:

1. Refined carbohydrates:

  • white rice: White rice is very low in fiber and can cause blood sugar to rise quickly.
  • White bread: White bread also lacks fiber and increases blood sugar rapidly.
  • Pasta: Commonly used pasta is also a source of refined carbohydrates and should be consumed in limited quantities.
  • White flour: Products made from white flour like biscuits, cakes etc. should also be avoided.

2. Sweet drinks:

  • Soft drinks: Cola, Sprite etc. contain high amount of sugar which increases blood sugar rapidly.
  • Juice: Packed juices also contain high amounts of sugar, so it is better to drink fresh fruit juice.
  • Energy drinks: Energy drinks are high in sugar and caffeine, which can cause fluctuations in blood sugar levels.

3. Processed foods:

  • Chips: Chips contain high amounts of salt and unhealthy oils which are harmful for health.
  • Fast food: Burgers, pizzas etc. are high in calories, fat and sodium, which can lead to weight gain and make diabetes difficult to control.
  • Packed Snacks: Biscuits, cookies etc. contain high amounts of sugar and trans fat, which should be avoided.

4. Sweet fruits:

  • Grape: Grapes contain high amount of sugar, hence it should be consumed in limited quantity.
  • did: Ripe bananas also contain high amounts of sugar.

What should we eat? Diabetic patients should consume a diet rich in fibre such as:

  • Vegetables: Spinach, broccoli, carrots, etc.
  • Fruit: Apples, oranges, berries, etc
  • Pulses: Moong dal, gram etc
  • Cereal: Brown rice, oats etc
  • Meat: Chicken, Fish etc

Please note:

  • Be sure to consult your doctor before making any dietary changes.
  • The amount and type of food consumed may vary depending on the person's health and other conditions.

Other important points:

  • Exercise regularly.
  • avoid stress.
  • Take medicines regularly.
  • Get your blood sugar checked regularly.

This information is for general information only and should not be taken as any medical advice. Always consult a doctor for any health problem.

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