Keep balance in fruits and vegetables diet: Fruits and Vegetables Diet

Fruits and Vegetables Diet: Everyone must have heard elders saying in childhood that they must eat green vegetables, fruits and greens. This was said considering the qualities of green vegetables and fruits. Let us know some important information related to fruits and vegetables-

Fruits and vegetables are great food in every season. Consuming fruits and vegetables no matter the season
It is beneficial for the body, but you can avail this benefit only when you have complete knowledge about how and how much fruits and vegetables should be eaten. How should they be cleaned? Otherwise, many times that thing causes harm instead of benefit.

Also read: Make a kitchen garden and get fresh vegetables: Kitchen Garden

The World Health Organization (WHO) issued instructions in 2003 that people should eat fruits and vegetables five times a day, but after this, a British research suggested consuming them seven times instead of five. Later, when scientists investigated it, they found that the more the body gets a diet full of fruits and vegetables, the more the benefits increase, but it stops after five times. Even if you eat seven times, you will get the same benefit as if you eat 5 times.
It is advised to eat at least 80 grams of fruits and vegetables at a time. 80 grams means one apple or a bowl of salad or three tablespoons of vegetables. Experts say that people do this only four times a day at most, so they need to change their routine.
For this research, researchers from China and America studied eight lakh thirty thousand people. Their data was collected with the help of 16 different researches. The life span of these people was looked at between four and 26 years. 56,000 people died during the research. After looking at the eating habits of all these people, scientists came to the conclusion that those who were consuming more fruits and vegetables, lived longer than others. These people had four percent less risk of heart attacks. The risk of cancer also reduced, but those who consumed fruits and vegetables more than five times a day did not see any significant benefit. The research suggested that doctors should make people aware about this and provide information about eating habits as well as benefits of exercise, disadvantages of smoking, alcohol consumption and obesity. You must eat five or six fruits and vegetables in a day and their quantity depends on your diet, like one apple, one banana, 2 green leafy vegetables and one vegetable like okra, zucchini, ghee etc. in a day.
Apart from this, a recent study conducted on 18 countries including India has made it clear how many fruits and vegetables a person should eat every day to keep himself healthy. According to the results of this study published in the Lancet research journal, if a person consumes 375 to 500 grams of fruits, vegetables and pulses every day, then his health remains for a long time. According to WHO study, diseases can be avoided by consuming 800 grams of fruits or vegetables daily.
Dr. V. Mohan of Mohan's Diabetes Specialist Center, Chennai, who was a part of this study, says that anti-oxidants and fiber like Vitamin C, Vitamin E and carotenoids present in fruits and vegetables are very important for the body. They say that these anti-oxidants and fiber play an important role in balancing cholesterol, improving insulin response, reducing blood pressure, reducing fat accumulation in blood vessels and improving the functioning of cells.

1. All fruits and vegetables contain abundant amounts of vitamins and minerals. They also contain fiber and anti-oxidants.
2. In case of vegetables and fruits, their color also matters a lot, hence always eat fruits and vegetables of different colors alternately.
3. Off-season fruits and vegetables are, firstly, very expensive and secondly, they are cooked in an unnatural way, due to which they are harmful for health, hence it is better to consume seasonal fruits and vegetables.
4. One should eat an apple every day. This activates sex hormones in both men and women. Apple is considered especially beneficial for the sex life of women.
5. Cucumber, spinach, tomato, watermelon, grapes, strawberry etc. contain sufficient amount of water. They are also rich in calories and fiber, so eating them is very good for our body. Along with fulfilling the water deficiency, it also provides many other nutrients to the body.
6. If you eat green vegetables such as spinach and yellow vegetables such as yellow peppers and cauliflower, you have less risk of cancer.
7. Similarly, your risk of heart disease and heart attack will be reduced if you regularly consume apples, pears, citrus fruits, lettuce and green leafy vegetables.
8. A research by the University of California has found that the benefits of pomegranate are more than Viagra. A glass of pomegranate juice daily can replace medicine for both men and women.

1. Whatever fruits and vegetables you buy, ensure that they are well ripe, like if guava or lady's finger are a little raw then eating them will cause stomach ache.
2. While buying leafy vegetables, pay special attention that they should not be soggy or rotten. Their leaves should be fresh and green.
3. Whatever root vegetable you buy, it should not be rotten.
4. Buy the fruits by pressing them carefully to ensure that they are not bruised, for example, sometimes an apple looks good, but when pressed, it is found that it is bruised.

Fruits and Vegetables Diet
maintaining balance in fruits and vegetable diet

Recently, Australian scientists have discovered in a research that mango peel can help in reducing weight. There are peels of many fruits and vegetables which are beneficial for our health. These protect our body from many diseases and also increase the immunity of the body. Apart from this, we can also make new vegetables by using peels and leaves.
1. An antioxidant called herperidin is found in the inner white parts of the orange peel. Which keeps cholesterol low. Also keeps sugar under control. To eat it, dry the peels in the sun and then make powder, boil it in water and drink it.
2.Banana peel also contains serotonin hormone, which relieves depression. Apart from this, many nutrients are found in it. It also keeps the retina of the eyes healthy. Cut its peels finely and eat them sprinkled like a vegetable, it is quite tasty.
3. Women who have problem of excessive bleeding during periods, grinding dry pomegranate peels and taking it with one spoon of water helps in reducing bleeding. Even if you are suffering from piles, cut four parts of pomegranate peel and eight parts of jaggery and filter it. Now make small pills and eat it to get relief.
4. Pea peels also make a delicious vegetable with potatoes.
5. Cooking pulses by adding melon peels to them makes the pulses tasty and the nutrients of melon also get absorbed in it.
6. You can eat pakodas by mixing turnip peels with potatoes and gram flour. Do not throw away the spinach and coriander sticks, instead mix them with tomatoes and make soup.

1. Apple contains a lot of nutritious elements. Rich in minerals and vitamins, apple also has a lot of fiber and no cholesterol. Apple should not be eaten peeled, when we remove the peel of the apple, a large amount of Vitamin C present just below the peel gets destroyed. Apart from this, apple should be eaten in the morning. If eaten on an empty stomach, it can easily get toxic to your body. 2. Seasoning should be consumed in the afternoon during sunny time. Eating at night increases the chances of sore throat.
2.Oranges should also be eaten during the day instead of at night. Also, this fruit should be eaten 1 hour before or 1 hour after eating, it increases appetite and helps in digestion of food by eating later.

1. Do not fill the fridge with vegetables as soon as you come back from shopping, instead keep them in separate polythene bags and ensure that the vegetables which have dirt or soil on them, keep them in the fridge only after washing and drying them.
2. Keep vegetables in a net bag or good quality polythene or cloth bag in the refrigerator, so that moisture does not come in them.
3. It is not necessary to keep onion, garlic and potatoes in the refrigerator, because they last for a long time. If you have to use them for a long time then it is better to keep them in the refrigerator.
4. Use the vegetables brought earlier and only then use the newly arrived vegetables, otherwise the old vegetables will start spoiling.

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