Get rid of headache, give up painkillers and adopt these effective remedies

Headache is a common problem, but when it becomes frequent, it can make life very difficult. Often we resort to painkillers to get relief from the problem of headache, but if you want to cure it in a natural way without medicines, then some effective remedies suggested by Swami Ramdev can be helpful for you. Let us know how you can reduce headache and get relief without painkillers.

Headache relief tips

Natural and Ayurvedic remedies are always preferred. There may be some kind of imbalance in the body or mental stress behind headache. The following are remedies for headache:

Pranayama (breathing techniques):

Pranayama is very effective in reducing headache. especially Anulom-Vilom Pranayam And kapalbhati Helpful in reducing headache. These ancient techniques calm the mind and improve blood circulation, thereby providing relief from headaches.

Anulom-Vilom Pranayam:

  • Sit comfortably and close one of your nostrils.
  • Take a deep breath through the other nostril, then exhale slowly.
  • Do this for 10-15 minutes. It helps in relieving headache and mental stress.


  • This pranayama involves deep inhalation followed by fast and rapid exhalation, which refreshes the brain and reduces headache.

fresh lemon juice:

Fresh lemon juice is helpful in getting relief from headache. Lemon contains Vitamin C and acidic properties, which help in reducing headache. You can squeeze half a lemon in a glass of water and drink it.

basil leaves:

Basil leaves have natural medicinal properties, which can help in treating headache. Swami Ramdev has told that chewing basil leaves or drinking their juice can provide relief from headache. Basil leaves provide mental peace and energy to the body.

2. Home remedies for headache

If you have a headache, you can also adopt the following home remedies:

ginger and honey:

Ginger has natural anti-inflammatory properties, which help in reducing headaches. You can drink a cup of warm water mixed with ginger juice and honey. It can prove effective in reducing headache.


According to Swami Ramdev, light massage is also a good solution to get relief from headache. You can relieve stress by massaging your head, neck and shoulders with your fingers. This improves blood circulation and reduces headache.

cool bar:

Placing a cold compress on the head can also provide relief from headache. Soak a towel in cold water and place it on your head and lie down comfortably. This remedy helps in reducing headache.

3. Importance of healthy lifestyle

To prevent the problem of headache, we need to change our lifestyle. The problem of headache can be reduced to a great extent by proper diet, regular exercise and mental peace. Some suggestions:

  • yoga and meditation: Practice yoga and meditation daily. It brings mental peace and reduces stress, thereby reducing the chances of headache.
  • water intake: Lack of water in the body can also be the cause of headache. The problem of headache can be prevented by drinking enough water during the day.
  • good sleep: Lack of sleep can also cause headache. It is important to get regular and adequate sleep.

It is possible to control headache without painkillers with natural remedies. Ancient Ayurvedic methods, such as pranayam, lemon juice, basil leaves, and other home remedies are helpful in providing relief from headache. By adopting these measures, you can get relief from headache and reduce the intake of painkillers. The problem of headache can be cured by leading a healthy lifestyle and regular exercise.

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