Guests will fall in love, make dirt shine on festivals like this – ..

While cooking, utensils often turn black, burn or become sticky. There are very good ways to clean them. Baking soda available at home makes utensils shiny. First of all, wash the utensil with hot water, then sprinkle baking soda on it. Then rub it after 5-6 minutes. The utensils will become completely clean and shiny.

Just do this to clean ceramic utensils, glass utensils and plastic utensils

You can try this remedy made by elders to clean ceramic utensils, glass utensils and plastic utensils. To clean utensils with liquid chlorine, first boil the utensils in water for 10 minutes. Then clean them with liquid chlorine. This will make the vessel look more shiny.

By pouring vinegar on black utensils and rubbing them with a brush, the utensils become shiny.

Vinegar makes a brass vessel shine. Mix onion juice with vinegar and use it on stained utensils. By pouring vinegar on black utensils and rubbing them with a brush, the utensils become shiny. If the dirt does not get removed from the plastic containers or other utensils kept in your house, then you can use coffee to clean them. This old remedy is very effective in cleaning utensils. To clean the coffee pot, mix salt and ice in it and then wipe it. The rough texture of the coffee grounds helps a lot in cleaning the pot.

To clean brass, steel and copper utensils, you can mix a little powder in ash and clean the utensils with it.

To clean the brass, steel and copper utensils kept in the house, mixing a little powder in ash and cleaning the utensils with it will bring shine to them. All these hacks are very useful in life. Know all these things to welcome guests during festivals. Which will be very useful for you. At this time when preparations for Diwali festival are going on in every house, then this solution will be very useful for you.

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