Healing Energy Surrounds 3 Zodiac Signs On October 19, 2024

On October 19, 2024, three zodiac signs will come to know what it’s like to experience true healing energy. The energy surrounding us on Saturday spares us any further hardship. This day’s astrology gives us a harmonious Neptune transit, which helps us mind our minds for closure.

This implies that so much of what hurts us or keeps us back resides inside our minds in the form of negative imagination, and we need to let go of those negative thoughts. We tend to believe what we think, and over time, that belief becomes a hard-to-break habit. This Neptune transit helps us shift our perspective so that true healing can take place.

And we want this, too. Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces zodiac signs have been waiting for a day like this to happen, as we didn’t think it was possible, and we secretly craved a cosmic intervention. Voila, signs. It is here. Positive, healing energy is flowing our way.

Healing energy surrounds three zodiac signs on October 19, 2024:

1. Capricorn

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Oh, how sweet it is to think that Saturday could bring on a healing well waited for. You know that you’ve been carrying around pain with you for a long time, and so much of you know that this pain is both unnecessary and yet insidious. You want to be healed and well on your way, Capricorn.

It looks pretty good for you, as so many things in your life are now making sense. You’ve spent a while living in a confused state, so much so that you started to believe that’s who you were: a confused person who just coped your way through things.

This Neptune-Moon alignment really reached into your psyche this time, however, and showed you that change is to happen in a positive way. It’s not coming from out there; in fact, it’s all within you. Healing vibes surround your world today, Capricorn, and you will feel free after they hit.

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2. Aquarius

aquarius healing energy surrounds zodiac signs october 19, 2024 Berry Art | Canva Pro

You’ll be doing a deep dive into what you’ve started to believe is your reservoir of pain, and because you’re honest with yourself, you find that you can see what is needed to bring you happiness through honesty.

You have been aware for a long time that something is holding you up, and while there are times you look it straight in the eye, most of the time, you deny its existence, and that just ends up putting things off until you do decide to face it dead on.

You’ll face facts and heal rapidly. You have identified the culprit, and you are no longer its slave. You are now ready to heal yourself while accepting healing energy from a supportive universe.

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3. Fish

pisces healing energy surrounds zodiac signs october 19, 2024 Berry Art | Canva Pro

You might feel the healing vibe as soon as you wake up, as it’s not only fairly strong but also pretty much directed towards you, Pisces. It’s not that you have ten tons of emotional baggage to deal with, but you are certainly laden with troubles, and you want them to be over.

You are now ready to heal. We can have all the healing energy in the universe around us, ready to help, but it does nothing if we’re not ready. There are two wings to this bird, Pisces: self-effort and grace.

Fortunately, you want to heal, and even more fortunately, this coincides with the Neptune-Moon alignment, which is all about healing. The vibes are good but also welcoming, non-threatening, and very promising. Heal yourself, Pisces, and use that strength to conquer the world!

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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.

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