Health Tips: A glass of milk daily protects from intestinal cancer, research made a big revelation

Milk Colon Cancer: A recent study has revealed that drinking a glass of milk every day can significantly reduce the risk of bowel cancer. This research, funded by Cancer Research UK, suggests that the calcium present in milk may be helpful in reducing the risk of bowel cancer by about 17%.

Why is milk important for protection against bowel cancer?

Let us tell you that scientists of Oxford University said in their study that milk rich in calcium and vitamins can play an important role in preventing bowel cancer. According to the study, consuming a large glass of milk (300 mg calcium) daily can reduce the risk of bowel cancer by 17%.

What is bowel cancer?

Let us tell you that bowel cancer, which is also called colon cancer, starts in the large intestine. It develops due to some polyps growing in the inner layer of the intestine. Experts believe that through regular screening, these polyps can be detected in time and treated before they turn into cancer.

How does milk prevent cancer?

Let us tell you that according to research published in the journal Nature Communications, calcium combines with bile acids and free fatty acids to form a harmless 'soap', which can prevent damage to the intestinal lining.

Other Calcium Rich Foods

Apart from this, leafy vegetables, curd and other calcium-rich foods can also be helpful in preventing cancer. However, no such benefit was found from the consumption of dairy products like cheese and ice cream.

Factors that increase the risk of bowel cancer

  • Alcohol consumption: Drinking alcohol daily can increase the risk of bowel cancer.
  • Processed and red meat: Excessive consumption of these foods also increases the risk of bowel cancer.
  • Western dietary style: A diet low in fiber and high fat may increase this risk.

Preventive measures against bowel cancer

  • Consume fiber rich whole grains.
  • Eat seasonal fruits and vegetables.
  • Avoid processed and red meat.
  • Maintain a healthy weight.
  • Do regular exercise.
  • Quit smoking.

Apart from this, let us tell you that drinking a glass of milk every day can prove effective in reducing the risk of bowel cancer. The risk of this deadly disease can be reduced to a great extent by adopting a calcium-rich diet and a healthy lifestyle.

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