Hibiscus plants will bloom in abundance every day, just use kitchen waste in this way

Plant Care

Plant Care: People who are fond of gardening plant different types of plants in their homes. People who have more space in their house convert a part of their house into a garden, while those who do not have much space in their house, they convert various types of gardens on the balcony or terrace of their house. Plants are planted.

Almost everyone likes plants with colorful flowers. One of these flowering plants is the hibiscus plant. Hibiscus flowers look very beautiful and they are not only beautiful but they also have great importance in Hindu religion. Mother Durga is very fond of this flower and it is known as red flower in almost every house.

Hibiscus care

But many people complain that the hibiscus plant is not blooming or the flowering has reduced. Do you know why this is happening? Actually, the main reason for this may be that the plant is not getting enough nutrients, just as the human body needs nutrients and if there is a deficiency of nutrients then the person starts falling ill. In the same way, when there is a lack of nutrients in plants, the plants also start falling sick and wither.

use of vegetable peels

Vegetable peels used in the kitchen are generally thrown away. Because people consider them as garbage, but do you know that this garbage works like gold for plants. We are talking about onion peels. Important nutrients like calcium, magnesium, copper, iron are found in onion peels, which are extremely beneficial for the health of plants.

onion peels

You can use onion peel as fertilizer. When you make compost of onion peels and add it to hibiscus plants, it will not only nourish the roots of the plants. Rather, your hibiscus plant will be laden with flowers.

How to make fertilizer from onion peels

First of all you have to collect four to five handfuls of onion peels. Mix these soldiers in 1 liter of cold water and keep covered for 2 days. Keep this outside the house otherwise foul smell may spread in the house. After 2 days, take out the onion peel from this water and put it in the roots of hibiscus plants. After this, loosen the soil near the roots with the help of a knife or any other tool so that the onion water can reach inside the soil properly.

banana peels

We often eat banana and throw away its peel considering it as garbage, but it is very important to know that many nutrients are found in banana peel which can prove to be very beneficial for plants. By converting banana peel into fertilizer and using it on the hibiscus plant, we can make it bloom with abundant flowers.

Magnesium present in banana peel increases the strength of plants. Whereas phosphorus helps in the growth of flowers as well as strengthens the joints. The most important thing is that hibiscus contains maximum calcium, which proves helpful in keeping hibiscus plants safe from many diseases. In this way, banana peels can be used for plants instead of being thrown away.

How to make fertilizer from banana peels

To make this, first sour some banana peels and fill about 1 liter of water in a big vessel. Now put banana peels in it and leave it like this for at least a week. Within a week the peels will melt and it will be ready as a liquid fertilizer. After applying fertilizer, also pour a small amount of water near the plant.


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