Asafoetida and mustard oil are best for children, use it like this
Asafoetida and mustard oil are best for children, use it like this
Hing and Mustard Oil Benefits: Massaging with mustard oil and asafoetida can be very beneficial for children. Let us know what are the benefits of massaging with this oil?
Hing and Mustard Oil Benefits: Both asafoetida and mustard oil are important ingredients of Indian kitchen, which not only enhance the taste of food but their medicinal properties are also beneficial for health. of these two ingredients for children Use If done correctly, it can provide many benefits to their health. Actually, asafoetida has been given a special place in Ayurveda. Its anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory properties make it suitable for children. Health Make it useful for problems. At the same time, mustard oil is traditionally used in massage and cooking. It is especially beneficial for children as it has anti-inflammatory and immunity boosting properties. In such a situation, the mixture of these two can be much better for the health of your child. Let us know about this-
Provides relief from stomach ache and gas
Massaging children's stomach with asafoetida and mustard oil can provide relief from stomach ache and gas problems. For this, heat mustard oil and add a pinch of asafoetida to it and apply it around the navel. It provides relief from gas problem and stomach pain.
relief from cold and cough
The problem of cold and cough can be cured by massaging with a mixture of asafoetida and mustard oil. For this, massage the children's chest lightly with this oil mixture. It helps in loosening the mucus and making breathing easier.
improve digestion
Adding a little mustard oil and asafoetida mixture to the food can improve the digestion of children. It may promote appetite. It can also improve gut health.
get rid of skin problems
Mustard oil provides moisture to the skin and makes it soft. At the same time, asafoetida can be effective in removing bacterial and fungal problems occurring on the skin. If there are rashes or dryness on the skin of small children, use light mustard oil and asafoetida.
some important things
Use of asafoetida in excessive amounts can be harmful for children. Use it only a pinch.
Do not immediately take the child to cold air after massage. Before using it on the skin, ensure that the child is not allergic to mustard oil.
Asafoetida and mustard oil are effective and safe options in eliminating health problems of children. With their proper use, children get benefits like better digestion, strong bones, and improved immunity. However, it is important to keep in mind the sensitivity and needs of the child before adopting any home remedy.
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