Homemade hair color increases the shine of hair

Homemade Hair Color: Use natural hair color instead of artificial hair color and make your hair beautiful.

Coloring hair has become a fashion these days. Earlier, white hair was colored only to make it black, but now for the sake of fashion, youth are coloring black hair white to give it a glamorous look.

Although there is no harm in coloring hair, but if chemical products are used excessively then many hair problems arise including hair fall/itching/itching and your health can be harmed. Coloring your hair makes you look younger and enhances your beauty, so you should also be aware of the disadvantages of coloring your hair. Actually, hair color and dye cause a lot of harm to your hair by drying and damaging it.

Since ancient times, henna, walnut and indigo have been used to give color and shine to hair. It is a different matter that today, hair coloring is done on a large scale and in today's time, coloring is done in various ways keeping the fashion in mind. Permanent dyes and colors work by changing the structure of the hair. In fact, it works by removing the outer layer unevenly and penetrating into the inner layer. Semi-permanent methods, such as washing hair and applying creams, wear off after 4 to 6 shampoos. It works by reaching the outer layer of the hair but it does not cause more harm than permanent colors. Modern colors made from vegetables are also available these days in the form of hair mascara. Hair mascaras are somewhat like crayons in that they are meant to 'streak' the hair strands. It hides gray hair quite effectively. It gives a glamor look to the hair and also helps in giving a different look from normal hair. These can be used to get a different look. Can be used just for fun or to add a different dimension. Hair mascara is a temporary method of hair color. It is easy to use and remove and lasts until the next shampoo. Its main benefit is that it assures protection from damage to the structure and texture of the hair.

herbal homemade hair color
herbal homemade hair color

Natural colors made from herbal products are also available in the market but they are generally expensive but you can also make herbal colors at home, which gives black brown color to the hair. it's 100 percent
Chemical free and completely natural. It contains natural colorants like henna, indigo and catechu. The elements present in these are beneficial for hair. To use it at home, first make the paste
To make it, mix it in lukewarm water. Apply immediately to hair from top to bottom evenly with rubber gloves. Leave for 3 hours. Wash thoroughly and leave for 1.15 minutes to get better results.
Use hair dryer for this. Amla is considered best for controlling white hair. Drinking the juice of one raw gooseberry in a glass of water daily helps in controlling gray hair. It is important to drink Amla after diluting it with water. Amla can be mixed with henna powder. Although henna gives red color to white hair, it does not color black hair. If you want to color your hair with henna, then soak dry amla overnight in 2 to 3 cups of water. Next morning, take out the amla from the water, but do not throw away the water. Grind Amla. Mix henna powder with amla paste, 4 teaspoons lemon juice and coffee, 2 raw eggs, 2 teaspoons oil and enough amla water. Keep the paste aside for two to three hours and then apply it all over the hair in such a way that all the hair is covered. Keep for at least two hours and wash with plain water.


1. Protect eyes from oxidizing color agents.
2. Keep hair color out of the reach of children.

Henna is a wonderful conditioner and provides protection and strength to the hair. It is also a powerful natural cleanser that cleanses the hair without disturbing its natural balance.

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