You will be scared after knowing the side effects of sleeping pills, know how dangerous it is for health.
Sleeping Pills Side Effects: To stay healthy, it is very important to have 7 to 8 hours of sleep. But at present many people have the problem of not sleeping properly. According to experts, sleep is very important for both our mental and physical health.
It is often seen that despite being tired all day, some people do not sleep after going to bed. Midnight passes as they toss and turn and then it's morning. This directly impacts their future. Let us tell you, many people suffering from insomnia start taking sleeping pills.
Due to physical and mental fatigue, they may initially feel sleepy and start understanding the benefits of this medicine, but the truth is that sleeping pills are neither beneficial in any way nor good for health. There can be many dangers to this. Its overdose can be extremely fatal. In such a situation, let us know the side effects of sleeping pills-
Side effects of sleeping pills
Tingling in hands and feet
According to health experts, if someone is sleeping after taking sleeping medicines for a long time, then he may feel a burning sensation or vibration in his palms. This problem can also occur in feet and soles. In such a situation, one should not use this pill without consulting the doctor.
feeling weak
Consuming sleeping pills can cause problems like dry throat, gas formation, headache, heartburn, stomach ache or cramps, trembling in any part of the body and not being able to control it, weakness or having useless dreams.
memory loss
Taking sleeping pills for a long time leads to weakening of memory. Taking sleeping pills causes clots to form in the blood vessels. Due to which memory starts weakening. This also causes restlessness. Many times I feel helpless and don't feel like doing anything.
appetite becomes irregular
Consuming sleeping medicines reduces appetite. This may cause stomach upset or persistent constipation problem. Sometimes these medicines can also cause diarrhea. Therefore it should be used carefully.
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dangerous during pregnancy
If pregnant women consume sleeping pills, it affects the baby growing in their womb. In any special condition like pregnancy, if women take sleeping pills without doctor's advice, then it can be dangerous.
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