How to dodge acne with oily skin? Expert shares the ideal skincare routine

New Delhi: Oily skin is becoming a common skin type with the overproduction of sebum, an oily substance. Normally, it keeps the skin lubricated but too much of its production can pose certain problems – acne breakouts, pimples, and greasy complexion. Common lifestyle changes, stress, humidity, and hormonal fluctuations are a few common reasons that can make your skin oily. Fortunately, you can reduce oily skin and chances of acne breakout with a consistent skincare regime.

In an interaction with News9Live, Dr. Anindita Sarkar, Chief Medical Officer at Clinikally & AAYNA Clinics, created the ideal skincare routine for oily skin to dodge acne.

  1. Cleanse to control: Cleansing the face thoroughly is the most essential step to manage oily skin. Washing your face twice a day can help in removing excess oil and dirt that are the major culprits behind clogging pores and causing breakouts. For oily skin, it is recommended to use a gentle cleanser like salicylic acid that can reduce oil buildup and reduce overproduction of sebum.
  2. Don’t Skip Moisturizer: Many myths are associated with oily skin and one of the most common is ‘moisturising can increase oil production’. However, skipping it is a common mistake that can cause skin to produce more oil to compensate for lack of hydration. Instead, opt for an oil-free or water-based moisturiser that can keep the skin hydrated for long hours. Complete this step by applying a lightweight or gel-based sunscreen to protect the skin from external impurities and harmful UV rays.
  3. Trust Serums: Serums are becoming a real game changer in managing oily skin. A good serum always helps to regulate oil production. Serums like niacinamide, Vitamin-C, AHA, and BHA-based serums are anti-inflammatory and can prevent excessive oil production. Ultimately, this protects the skin from environmental stressors that aggravate the condition of causing acne.
  4. Choose the Right Makeup Products: As oily skin is prone to clogged pores and acne, it is essential to choose the right makeup products. Always opt for oil-free makeup that does not contain ingredients that block pores. Mattifying and lightweight foundation and powders can reduce oil build-up as well as shine throughout the day. Avoid heavy, creamy products, and make sure to remove all makeup thoroughly at the end of the day to prevent breakouts.


To tackle oily skin, one must adopt a balanced approach with the right choice of products, ingredients and skincare regime. Consistent cleansing, moisturizing, and the use of serums and non-comedogenic makeup can help keep your skin healthy and shine-free while keeping it hydrated.

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