Stop Phone Addiction in Child

Stop Phone Addiction in Child: Nowadays, a child starts showing interest in the phone as soon as he is born. Parents are always worried that their child does not eat food without looking at the phone. This may sound like a small problem but it is a very big problem. This has a bad effect on the eyes of children. At the same time, the mental state of the child also does not develop fully. The age at which children's understanding develops. At that time children have started getting addicted to phones. In such a situation, today we will tell you about such tips, due to which your child will forget to eat food while looking at the phone.

How to let kids have meals
How to let kids have meals without mobile

Make mealtime with your kids as enjoyable and fun as possible. Make mealtimes full of fun conversations for your child, so that children get interested and experience social interaction during mealtimes.

To make the child interested in food, make the food colorful and attractive. This will keep the children interested. Use cut-up fruits and vegetables in different colors and sizes. Present the food in such a way that it is quite interesting for the children. In this way it is possible that children will be more interested in food and will not pay attention to the mobile.

Set a regular time for meals and follow it daily. Help children understand that mealtimes are best when it comes to eating only and naturally staying away from mobile phones.

Get Rid of Cell Phone AddictionGet Rid of Cell Phone Addiction
Get Rid of Cell Phone Addiction

Keep the mobile phone out of the room or keep it at a place where the child cannot find it. This will help children understand that mobile phones have no place during meal times. When the mobile phone is not used during meals, it will be easier for the child to develop the habit.

Whenever your child goes to eat, use educational items like books, small games with him. This will also provide entertainment to the children and will keep their focus on food. By using educational material, the child will get to learn something and there will be no need for a mobile. You can also tell interesting stories while feeding children.

If you involve children in the cooking process then children will also help you and show more interest in food and they will enjoy eating food more. By involving children in cutting vegetables and preparing salads, you can increase their interest in food. Also include games and activities with children during meals. Like asking questions about food or telling a funny story. This will focus the child's attention on food and he will not look at the mobile.

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