How to Solve the Open Hand Temple Murders in Baldur’s Gate 3

Baldur’s Gate 3 is filled with complex mysteries and challenging quests, and one of the most intriguing in Act 3 is the Open Hand Temple murders. Set in the town of Rivington, this quest invites players to dig deep into the investigation of the gruesome deaths of the local priest, Father Lorgan, and his novice, Brilgor. While it may seem like an ordinary murder mystery on the surface, the Open Hand Temple quest demands sharp perception, strategic conversations, and navigating dangerous underground tunnels to reveal the true culprits.

Credits – Destructoid

To kick off the Open Hand Temple murders quest, you’ll need to visit the Open Hand Temple in Rivington. You’ll encounter Sister Yannisa gnome who can be found wandering the temple’s halls or talking to Inspector Valeriawho oversees the investigation. They both provide a brief overview of the crime, with Valeria initially suspecting Brilgor as the killer. Your role, however, is to dig deeper and prove or disprove this conclusion.

It’s important to note that while Valeria believes Brilgor is guilty, the available clues don’t quite align. As you progress through the investigation, it becomes clear that Valeria’s theory might not hold water. This is where your journey into the truth begins.

Clue Hunting: Talking to the Dead and Digging Graves

After receiving the quest, you’ll need to gather information. A key aspect of the investigation involves talking to the deceased. If your character has the “Speak with the Dead” spell—or if you possess the Amulet of Lost Voices—you can communicate directly with Father Lorgan and Brilgor’s spirits. Father Lorgan’s corpse is located within the temple, while Brilgor’s is buried in the cemetery behind the temple.

Both Lorgan and Brilgor will tell you the murders didn’t happen in the temple’s kitchen, as Valeria had claimed. Instead, they occurred in tunnels hidden beneath the temple. Additionally, they reveal that the true murderer is a dwarf wearing red clothing, casting doubt on the initial suspect, Brilgor.

Discovering the Tunnels

To access these hidden tunnels, you’ll need to find the hatch in the temple kitchen or another located near Valeria and Yannis’s initial conversation spot. Once you enter the tunnels, you’ll encounter a blood-soaked altar and a locked wall. Solving this part of the puzzle involves pressing two hidden switches on opposite sides of the altar. Be sure to pass the Perception checks needed to find these switches.

Behind the now-unlocked wall, you’ll face three doppelgangers. These enemies are dangerous, particularly with their use of the Cloudkill spell, which can deal heavy damage. To avoid fatal outcomes, you can dispel the poisonous clouds with spells like Gust of Wind or Fog Cloud.

Key Items: The Stillmaker Dagger and Flower Key

Upon defeating the doppelgangers, loot their bodies to find two critical items: the Stillmakera rare dagger that turns out to be the murder weapon, and a flower-engraved key. This key becomes crucial for the next part of the quest, as it unlocks further secrets about the murders.

Finding Fraygo’s Flophouse and Unlocking Secrets

With the flower key in hand, head to Fraygo’s Flophousea building north of the Open Hand Temple. Use the key to unlock a wardrobe on the second floor. This will reveal a secret room containing damning evidence: a list of the murderer’s future targets. Among the grim discoveries is the body of Fhionhidden under a bloodstained bed.

Confronting Valeria

Now that you’ve gathered the murder weapon, discovered the true killer’s identity, and found evidence of future plans, you’re ready to report back to Inspector Valeria. While it might be tempting to reveal your findings earlier, it’s advisable to wait until you’ve collected all the crucial clues. Confronting her too soon could lead to the quest locking out key content.

After presenting your case, Valeria will finally acknowledge the real murderer and the full scope of the conspiracy will unravel, bringing the Open Hand Temple murders to a satisfying conclusion.

The Open Hand Temple murders in Baldur’s Gate 3 provide a gripping mystery, blending classic investigative mechanics with immersive RPG elements. By carefully piecing together the evidence, speaking with the dead, and exploring hidden locations, you’ll uncover a complex plot that ties into the greater story of the game.

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