How to stop a fast moving car if the brakes fail? Learn today a powerful way to stop a car without brakes.

How to Stop a Brake Failed Car: This question must have come to the mind of every car owner at some point or the other, what to do if the brakes of the car fail at high speed. The question is very common but everyone should know its answer. If the brakes of a car suddenly fail, it can prove fatal. Keeping in mind that such a situation should not happen to you, today we are going to tell you how you can stop the car even after brake failure.

Don't panic and stay calm: First of all, avoid panic. Your thinking ability is very important, so keep yourself calm beforehand.

Remove foot from accelerator: First of all, release the accelerator of the car so that the speed of the car can be reduced. This will gradually reduce the speed of the car.

Use the handbrake: Use the handbrake slowly, but pull it gently, as pulling it suddenly can cause the car to skid and you may lose control of the car.

Shift into low gear: If your car is manual, shift slowly to a lower gear (first or second gear). In an automatic car, you can place the shifter in “L” or “1”. This will slow down the car by applying engine brakes.

Choose the safe route: If possible, turn the car onto a route with less traffic, such as a side road, service road or open space.

Use horn and headlight: Keep other drivers aware of your situation. Blow your horn and flash your headlights to block them from approaching you.

Stop the car at a safe place: Once you lose speed, try to stop the car in a safe place (such as the side of the road or an open field). Driving on grass or mud increases friction and slows the car down.

Drive carefully on the side of the road: If there is a slope or edge, try driving over it so the extra friction can slow your speed.

Do not stop the engine: Do not turn off the engine until you have come to a complete stop as this may cause the steering to lock and you will lose control of the car.

If your brakes ever fail, all these methods can help you.

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