Hibiscus flowers will solve every hair problem, use them step by step, hair will become long and thick: Hibiscus for Hair

Overview: Hibiscus flowers will solve every hair problem

Hibiscus Powder for Hair Growth: For centuries, grandmothers have been using natural things for hair care. One of these is hibiscus flowers. These flowers are considered no less than a boon for hair. Flavonoids and amino acids are found in them, which promote hair growth and also remove the problem of thin hair.

Hibiscus for Hair Growth: It is very important to take care of hair. If they are not taken care of properly, then many problems start to arise. For centuries, grandmothers have been using natural things for hair care. One of these is hibiscus flowers. These flowers are considered no less than a boon for hair. They contain flavonoids and amino acids, which promote hair growth and also remove the problem of thin hair.

If you also dream of long and thick hair, then you can use hibiscus for this. Let's know from our beauty guide the step by step use of hibiscus flowers for long hair-

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Hibiscus and gooseberry mask

step 1: Amla is considered no less than a miracle for hair. Applying it mixed with hibiscus provides great relief in hair related problems.
Step 2: For this, first grind amla and hibiscus flowers. Grind hibiscus leaves also.
Step 3: Now apply the prepared paste well on the hair and scalp. Keep it for 30-45 minutes.
Step 4: After this, wash your hair with water without shampoo. This will also make your hair look very shiny. You can apply this pack twice a week.

Hibiscus and Aloe Vera Hair Mask

step 1: For this, wash and grind the petals and leaves of 4 hibiscus flowers. Mix aloe vera gel in this paste.
Step 2: Apply this paste on your dry hair. Apply it on the hair for 30-40 minutes.
Step 3: After it dries, wash your hair with water. Use only water for hair wash.
Step 4: You can use it 3 times a week. By using this, your hair will become long, thick and shiny.

Hibiscus and fenugreek hair mask

step 1: Fenugreek seeds are very beneficial for hair. The properties present in it make the hair soft. Mixing hibiscus flowers in it and applying it also increases the length of the hair.
Step 2: For this, first soak 2 teaspoons of fenugreek seeds in water overnight. After this, grind it. Along with this, grind 3 hibiscus flowers as well.
Step 3: Mix some coconut oil in this pack. Now apply it on the hair for 30 minutes. After it dries, wash the hair with water.
Step 4: You can apply this pack 2-3 times a week. This will help in good hair growth.

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