I enjoy masturbation, not sex, why?

Question: I am 46 years old and my wife is 43 years old. We enjoy a healthy sex life, but for the past few days I am not getting a proper erection. Even if I get an erection despite repeated attempts, it does not last long, due to which I have difficulty in penetration. I have neither blood pressure nor any sugar problem. I neither drink alcohol nor smoke cigarettes. Does watching porn make me excited?
Answer: If you feel aroused while watching porn and have an erection, it means you are normal. Make sure you do not have any anxiety-related problems, as this often causes erection problems as well. If you want, have sex two hours after taking two capsules of Tentex Royal for several weeks. No matter how much you feel like watching porn, stop watching porn.

'I get satisfaction from fingering'

Question: I am 26 years old. I masturbate more than I imagine with my partner. I feel pleasure and satisfaction in fingering and masturbation, but not pleasure in sex. Why is this so? Answer: Just above your vagina is a body part called the clitoris. The clitoris is just as important in women as the penis is in men. Stimulation of this part is necessary to achieve orgasm. Your position may not be currently being used.

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