If ghee can be stored without refrigeration then why does butter go bad? | News India – ..

Both ghee and butter are made from milk. However, there is a lot of difference in the properties and composition of both. This is why the method of storing them is also different. For example, ghee can be preserved for a long time without refrigeration, while butter can spoil quickly if kept outside the refrigerator.

Why does ghee not require refrigeration?

Ghee is made from butter. To make ghee, butter is heated and all the water present in it is removed, which turns it into pure fat. When butter is made, it contains a small amount of water. This is what prevents it from spoiling. Apart from this, the fatty acids present in ghee keep it safe for a long time. In simple words, these properties of ghee keep it safe from oxidation for a long time even outside the refrigerator.

How is butter made?

Ghee is made from butter. To make ghee, butter is heated and all the water present in it is removed, which turns it into pure fat. When butter is made, it contains a small amount of water. This is what prevents it from spoiling. Apart from this, the fatty acids present in ghee keep it safe for a long time. If explained in simple language, these properties present in ghee keep it safe from oxidation for a long time even outside the refrigerator.

Why does butter go bad?

As far as butter is concerned, it contains 80 percent fat and 16-20 percent water. Due to the high water content in butter, bacteria and fungus start growing in it, due to which butter spoils quickly. Let us tell you, the water and milk solids present in butter make it more vulnerable to bacteria, especially when it is kept outside the refrigerator.

Butter oxidizes rapidly

That is, at normal temperature, oxidation starts happening rapidly in butter and butter gets spoiled quickly. Let us tell you that oxidation is a process in which fat gets spoiled after coming in contact with oxygen. That is, the higher the amount of water in the material, the faster it will oxidize. This is the reason why butter gets spoiled faster when it is put out as compared to ghee.

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