If you are troubled by cold and cough every day, then try this powder, many problems are solved by eating it

Many people often suffer from cold and cough. Especially those people whose immunity is weak. In such a situation, many problems start occurring as soon as the weather changes. Today we are going to tell you the method of making such powder at home. By eating which you can get relief from cold and cough caused by changing weather.

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Also, immunity will improve. There are many herbs in Ayurveda which are beneficial for health. Ayurvedic Churan Trikatu is also one of them. Its consumption not only controls cold and cough but also many serious problems. Apart from this, Trikatu Churan helps in strengthening immunity.

It also relieves minor problems like cold and cough caused by changing weather. It increases appetite and also stimulates the stomach to produce enzymes that help in digestion. It is also very good for the respiratory system and helps in controlling asthma, allergic rhinitis. It burns fat and reduces bad cholesterol. It is beneficial in all throat diseases from thyroid to sore throat and tonsillitis.
Trikatu Churan is an Ayurvedic remedy which is very beneficial in cold, cough, indigestion and cholesterol.

To make trikatu powder, take dry ginger, peepal and black pepper in equal quantities. Since they are hot in nature, you can reduce the amount of peepal and black pepper a little. If its taste is very spicy, then it can also be mixed in food and taken with food. You can consume half a teaspoon of churan by mixing it in honey. However, it is most important to consult an Ayurvedic doctor before consuming it so that you can understand its dosage and its effect on your body according to your nature and diseases.

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