Side effects of eating curd: If you have these problems in your body then do not consume curd even by mistake, problems may increase.

Side effects of eating curd: How beneficial is curd for health? Everyone knows this. Eating curd rich in nutrients relieves the body from all the problems and provides nutrition. But there are some people who should avoid eating curd. For such people, curd causes harm instead of benefit.

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If someone has the problem of arthritis then such people should avoid consuming curd. It can increase joint pain in arthritis.

Not only this, if someone has respiratory problems then he should also avoid eating curd. In case of asthma and respiratory diseases, eating curd or cold things can cause difficulty in breathing.

Not only this, Licorrhoea patients should also not consume curd. This increases the problem of white vaginal discharge. Apart from this, you may also have stomach related problems. Apart from this, high cholesterol patients should also avoid consuming curd. Even in this disease it can act like poison.

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