If you want long and thick hair then definitely follow these hair care tips.

Life Style: You don't need to spend money on expensive hair care products to make your hair look long and thick. If your hair is not growing, your hair may be lacking nutrients. To overcome nutrient deficiency, you have to follow some suggestions. By following some basic tips regularly, you can significantly improve the health of your hair. Please share some of these tips.

Use of oil is necessary. You should apply oil to your hair at least 1-2 hours before shampooing. Oil massage can remove the nutritional deficiencies of your hair. For better results you can also apply the oil before washing your hair in the evening.

Use mild shampoo – You should include a mild shampoo in your hair care routine. Shampoos and conditioners should contain minimal chemicals. Wash your hair with shampoo twice a week.

Get your hair cut – To promote hair growth, it is important that you get your hair cut from time to time. Therefore, comb your hair at least twice a day. Additionally, you should try to protect your hair from the sun.

Healthy diet – Your diet can also have a positive or negative impact on your hair. To make your hair long and thick, your diet should include foods rich in carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins, proteins, fats and minerals.

If you follow these tips regularly, you will start seeing positive effects automatically within a few weeks. Trust me, if you follow these tips, you can make your hair long, thick, strong and healthy.

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